Thread: Fixes 17/7 2020
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Old 07-20-2020   #3
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Knight View Post
Still using the community-driven agenda? Cliche.

Any dodian remake that you have been apart of has never been for fun, you took it quite serious back in 2015-17 with your forums you were developing, etc. Now all of a sudden it has been barrened onto the community as a burden.. so any type of success from this will ultimately be from us as a whole. It's quite sad and really unprofessional.

You wonder why veteran players like myself mock your intuition? It's because we have seen this happen for the past 10+ YEARS. Now we are left with a helpless, dysfunctional know-it-all; AKA, you.

So please, refrain from continuing your tyrant behaviour. What you have said to me previously has not been forgotten.
Yet again you show very clearly that you don't understand anything. "Unprofessional", that's pretty much what I just said before you. I don't know who you are, or what I have done to make you despise me this much, but since you're clearly too upset with me to be arguing like adults, I'm gonna have to ask you to refrain from posting about me ever again, otherwise I'll take away your ability to voice your opinions as a whole on this forum.

Nobody will work on Dodian for free to magically make this a successful thing. That clearly includes you. Please try to understand that. Thank you!

I mean, the alternative is that I shut down the whole thing, and someone continues on this 10 year loop we have seen. We have never had a successful remake, at least not a lasting one. So instead of seeing a remake pop up every half year with resets and milking some premium money, I decided I will at least keep this one online. This way we at least have something online all the time.

I don't know how many ways I can try to explain this to you, but I don't have time or motivation to develop for Dodian for free. I also don't see any point in trying to monetize a Dodian remake. If you're too thick headed to see this from my point of view, please refrain from posting about this topic all together. Otherwise I'll be forced to take away your posting rights.

Last edited by Nozemi22; 07-20-2020 at 05:55 AM.
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