Thread: Pay to Play?
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Old 04-29-2019   #1
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Originally Posted by Sirvu View Post
No. While I understand that money for growth is necessary, this is not a good way to go about it.

The growth you want to put the money towards is simply not going to happen if there's a payment required to play a day after signup. Either you scare new people off right off the bat, or they don't notice the deal at first and are disappointed the day after. People don't want to commit to something the very day they discover it, especially if money is involved.

Also, for people like me it's just too much of a hassle. I personally haven't played in a few weeks now. If this system was put into place, the next time I want to check out what's changed I wouldn't want to have to pay for it. Sure, I could ask it back a day later if I'm bored or stopped seeing the point of playing in the first place, but a few weeks later I'd have to go over the same thing again. Or I don't ask it back at all, and I'd feel compelled to hop on even if I don't want to. I don't quit, even if I have no intention of playing. I just take breaks, albeit long ones.

I think the only people that would have little or nothing against this are the ones that intend to play a lot anyway, which are generally neither people like me, nor, more importantly, new players.

TL;DR: Scares off new players, people like me would just fuck off, and overall it's too much of a hassle.
I understand your opinion(s). However, this is mainly to help us enforce the rules, not to make money. Which is why it's a deposit.

A lot of the people who play wouldn't even care to apply for a refund. I know I wouldn't, if I found something I enjoyed for a while.

However, for this to work, we will need a solid website that shows off our server's potential, and content. So we'll be having a wiki that goes into detail about all our content.

We'll have media on our website showcasing cool content, and we'll have ads that are designed to hook players.

I truly believe that this would be beneficial for all of us. As long as we do it right.

Before we can even think to implement this system, we need to revise the content and introduce our new server. Otherwise no one will bother paying for it. We'll for sure need a new website as well.
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