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Old 09-03-2019   #1
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Posts: 12

because it gets stuck and freezes during launch process.
specifically where i encountered was on the portion where it loads "media" in the name. the solution is not to do with the client.

you are using 32 bit java when you need it to be 64 bit on ur 64 bit os
, or possible 64 bit on 32 when you need 32, however much more unlikely as you have to seek out 64 bit and 32 bit comes standard as well as i have yet to see this issue occur in the latter outcome.

please try and let me know if it works for you, im just a player, but i figured this out on my own because of my experience with java, windows and the rsps clients and issues surrounding this.

Slears2- happy to help those who it may. and understandably i posted this because its not an issue which could be fixed by a client update as you have so put it. you must fix your java compatibility, thanks.
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