Thread: [Server] My Input
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Old 01-28-2021   #8
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Join Date: Dec 2020
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Posts: 27

Who knows, but would be cool to get some updates like when you click somewhere multiple times then you DC.

Would also be sick if potion times were server time based always and wouldn't reset when you relog.

This servers potential is still very big up until this day.

Dodian was so successful back in the days due to the content being different from all the other servers: red, orange and yellow keys from bosses who weren't available in RS made it cool and unique. Better drops unlock when you reach a new boss with a new key etc. Monsters actually hitting in which makes fishing, cooking and eating food worth it.

Would be maybe a nice idea to set up some sort of a fond where people, who wish to donate could do so, to help with keeping the server up. Perhaps there would also be some money left over to hire someone who could help with the coding, as life gets busy at times and the owner cant code 24/7 next to everything else that is going on in their life.
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