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View Full Version : A little Haiku

a retard
01-15-2018, 02:23 AM
all joking aside
where the fuck is the server
with very much love


I miss Dodian so
Ungadulu, Nechryael
skele whip staking

01-15-2018, 02:40 AM
Logan is on vacation atm. Don't expect the server to be online for at least another week.

a retard
01-15-2018, 03:20 AM
I don't, just blowin' off some steam :p hope to give someone a chuckle m8

01-15-2018, 05:25 AM
hey man you could be a little less subtle in your attempts to steal my memes kthx

a retard
01-15-2018, 12:34 PM
Your meme? I been when serva up-ing for years now!