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View Full Version : Should we add a Donator shop?

03-12-2019, 12:44 PM
I've been hearing multiple people ask for donator shop, So I want to see the communities input on this as a whole before we make a decision, what do you guys want?
If you post Yes, list what items you'd like added!

If this Poll is to pass and we do add cosmetics to the shop, they will be UNTRADEABLE
I don't want this server to be a Pay to Win server like pretty much every other server out there. I want players to equally grind on here without having to spend $ to get rich instantly.

We also won't be adding Rares to the shop, Just cosmetics.

03-12-2019, 01:19 PM
I vote against it. I'd rather introduce items through skills like Smithing, Crafting and Fletching as well as more skiller related content. Like some kind of Agility course that also includes other skills.

03-12-2019, 01:29 PM
Donor Shop should be something added some players do like paying for it I mean at the end of the day donations go to making the server stay up for all of us to enjoy. Earning it would be ideal for some people because some people don't think donating is fair for them on a free to play game. I vote yes on donor shops.

03-12-2019, 01:39 PM
Donor Shop should be something added some players do like paying for it I mean at the end of the day donations go to making the server stay up for all of us to enjoy. Earning it would be ideal for some people because some people don't think donating is fair for them on a free to play game. I vote yes on donor shops.

Donations aren't needed at all to keep the server up. Hosting is free. The only thing we'd potentially need money for would be ads and potentially paid developers.

I however think that if we made some pure donation options with some clear description as to what he money is for, most people would donate a few dollars towards that, without getting an item in return.

I hate the concept of paying to show off shit in-game to be honest. It doesn't take shit, other than being willing to cough up a few dollars for some pixels.

I'd much rather we focus on introducing new items through skills. Purely cosmetics even would be nice through skills.

03-12-2019, 02:05 PM
I'd be okay with a donator shop, if and only if the items it offers are purely cosmetical. I'd hate to see Exorth become pay to win, so I hope there wouldn't be any items in there that are better than easily obtainable items.

03-12-2019, 02:11 PM
I'd be okay with a donator shop, if and only if the items it offers are purely cosmetical. I'd hate to see Exorth become pay to win, so I hope there wouldn't be any items in there that are better than easily obtainable items.

I can guarantee you that as long as I'm part of the team, there won't ever be sold items that are anything but cosmetic. Even if the community wanted it. Doubt that the community or other admins want it anyway, so probably won't ever become an issue :)

03-12-2019, 03:11 PM
I can guarantee you that as long as I'm part of the team, there won't ever be sold items that are anything but cosmetic. Even if the community wanted it. Doubt that the community or other admins want it anyway, so probably won't ever become an issue :)

Cosmetics are worth more than items with stats or bonuses on them some times. People usually donate to get the priciest items in the game. However cosmetics in some cases are more valuable to have and achieve than for example some deco armor in the game.

03-12-2019, 03:14 PM
I personally think we should give players the option to purchase cosmetics if they'd like.
Cosmetics aren't going to make users stronger or have a bigger advantage, so by all means.
I'm voting yes.

03-12-2019, 03:43 PM
First impressions are important if you want to pull in new players, I would imagine most people dislike the idea of cosmetics that you can buy. Take this idea and come up with interesting ways to add fashion scape to Exorth with new content for players to do.

Exorth/Dodian remakes have one large problem of creating their own identity and the best way to do that is to add content in the same vein and quality just as back then on the originals. If some of your first major actions is to sell items well then your motive looks like you just want money rather than create a fun unique experience for those few people who play.

03-12-2019, 04:04 PM
From my mistakes, I'd say yes, but, tentatively. If you DO choose to add a cosmetic shop, make them entirely untradable. Reason being is, you'll push out 'Rare' items into your economy that anybody can buy to get ahead. Yes, you'll make a lot of money, but it'll take away the overall need-to-grind from the game, causing a very useless endgame and deflated economy.

Essentially, look at EA's Battlefront. They pumped out lootboxes. You basically paid to win. This is the inevitable if you choose to make all your items tradable.

03-13-2019, 04:04 AM
First impressions are important if you want to pull in new players, I would imagine most people dislike the idea of cosmetics that you can buy. Take this idea and come up with interesting ways to add fashion scape to Exorth with new content for players to do.

Exorth/Dodian remakes have one large problem of creating their own identity and the best way to do that is to add content in the same vein and quality just as back then on the originals. If some of your first major actions is to sell items well then your motive looks like you just want money rather than create a fun unique experience for those few people who play.

That's my thoughts as well. I however don't believe @Artur wants to go right ahead and add a donator shop. But in the future it could be a thing, if people wanted it.

Personally I'm voting no, regardless of it being untradable, in the future or anything.

From my mistakes, I'd say yes, but, tentatively. If you DO choose to add a cosmetic shop, make them entirely untradable. Reason being is, you'll push out 'Rare' items into your economy that anybody can buy to get ahead. Yes, you'll make a lot of money, but it'll take away the overall need-to-grind from the game, causing a very useless endgame and deflated economy.

Essentially, look at EA's Battlefront. They pumped out lootboxes. You basically paid to win. This is the inevitable if you choose to make all your items tradable.

Yeah, the untradeable is an absolute must if this is ever added.

03-13-2019, 10:53 AM
I agree with TehPureShow. This is an economy server and dodian was never pay to win. It was pay to get the better content of the server.

03-18-2019, 05:48 AM
Non-rare cosmetics are an awesome idea. That being it. Enough to flaunt "I donate to the server, and can look awesome!" The one thing that I loved about Dodian back in the day over EVERY other private server, it was fair. Nothing to be gained on donating other than unlocked areas.

03-19-2019, 02:46 AM
I voted yes. However I don't see the need for an entire shop full of cosmetics. If you donate you should get a cape (1 cosmetic) and/or title. This way all other cosmetics are exclusive.