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07-26-2019, 01:26 PM
I have many ideas for updates here are some:
Firstly, Crystal key should be use-able from bank such as every other key is for key equality.
2nd, making wilderness active and maybe incorporating a bounty system/bounty shop.( bosses draw more traffic to the wild, & so do skilling opportunities, & events.)
3rd, Godwars boss's and all of the corresponding drops.
4th, adding a prayer script to the source or maybe finding one with one intact for pk interactions.
5th, creating a special bar for the weapons corresponding to those with special attacks for bettering quality of pking.
6th, Addition of capes: Infernal cape- Completionist cape- Team capes(Team capes for the addition of Clan wars or many other wilderness uses)
Lastly, adding exciting weapons to the server such as: Elder maul - Dragon claws - Dragon Warhammer- Armadyl Godsword- Bandos Godsword- Zamorak Godsword. ( my reason being is Dodian needs a revamp and can't follow the old ways much longer in order to expand and achieve great heights!

Thank you for all your time and consideration!

Pro Noob
07-26-2019, 03:15 PM
Crystal key work like all the other key seems like a neat idea.

Seems like a neat idea for people that do pvp. Personally I am not a pvp type of guy so all that kind of feedback would be nice.

Not sure what these will fill as it is tier 70 gear which we already have other gear for.
We could use the bosses in a future end game update with different style of armor in which each boss representive.

There is nothing scripted in the server. There is however script in the cache. But I assume you mean add prayer which I might consider if people really want it. However the protect prayer would be hard to do as all monsters use melee.

Not sure if people want this. Seems people are more in favor of a random proc.

Team capes we can add, the others are not in the cache.
Same with all those items (except the godswords)

07-26-2019, 03:22 PM
Thanks for the feedback, I was also looking at the level difference color indicators and they are a bit off. A person 1 lvl under me is a yellowish green instead of orange. and a person 2 or 3 lower is bright green as there is no threat. and a person my combat level should be yellow.

07-30-2019, 05:19 PM
Seercull needs it's speed increased. it is 1 tick slower then a crystal bow. Also hits weaker on average compared to c bow. please help implement a buff / speed increase. its supposed to be the best In the game.
C bow shoots a lil slower then a magic short bow, while the Seercull shoots like a long bow or a comp. bow. big difference.

07-31-2019, 02:18 AM
Seercull needs it's speed increased. it is 1 tick slower then a crystal bow. Also hits weaker on average compared to c bow. please help implement a buff / speed increase. its supposed to be the best In the game.
C bow shoots a lil slower then a magic short bow, while the Seercull shoots like a long bow or a comp. bow. big difference.

Where was ever stated seercull is supposed to be the best in the game? Not everything should be the same attack speed since that way you need to sacrifice one for the other. Because it is far superior than crystal bow in range attack bonus, you need to make a choice to either sacrifice some speed or not...

07-31-2019, 02:57 PM
The C bow should not have more dps then the Seercull when you need 90 slayer to even attempt to obtain the Seercull. The crystal bow can be obtained very easily and at any level.. No requirements to kill Ice Queen. Which makes the seercull worthless/irrelevant when it has less DPS then an easier weapon to obtain. :furious:

07-31-2019, 03:47 PM
The C bow should not have more dps then the Seercull when you need 90 slayer to even attempt to obtain the Seercull. The crystal bow can be obtained very easily and at any level.. No requirements to kill Ice Queen. Which makes the seercull worthless/irrelevant when it has less DPS then an easier weapon to obtain. :furious:

You're saying it hits lower on average than a c bow, I highly doubt that..

07-31-2019, 05:52 PM
I can attest to that... I sold two seercull's because they simply suck compared to crystal bow. ??:confused:

08-01-2019, 02:33 AM
I can attest to that... I sold two seercull's because they simply suck compared to crystal bow. ??:confused:

And how have you tested it? In a proper way? or did you go round to some bosses, saw that it wasn't completely overpowered as you wanted it to be and sold them?

08-01-2019, 03:14 PM
I used both bows on all bosses, and slayer npc's. I watched every hit that landed(that's with steel arrows and rune arrows+ range potions).I tested these two bows within two 6+ hour days using nothing but range, and I come to conclude that the crystal bow is an all around better/consistent bow. As of right now. Thank you.

Pro Noob
08-01-2019, 05:55 PM
Seercull is 1 tick slower then crystal bow. Which means for every 20 ticks you are in combat, you would hit 5 times with c bow while with a seercull it is only 4 times.
This could have a effect on the dps, however we will fix so crystal bow is same speed as seercull unless people want us to swap them in terms of speed.

08-01-2019, 08:02 PM
If those are our two choices i'd have to say swap speed's , and only the speeds.

08-02-2019, 04:09 AM
Seercull is 1 tick slower then crystal bow. Which means for every 20 ticks you are in combat, you would hit 5 times with c bow while with a seercull it is only 4 times.
This could have a effect on the dps, however we will fix so crystal bow is same speed as seercull unless people want us to swap them in terms of speed.

This is probably something that should be polled.

08-02-2019, 12:00 PM
Agreed, good call Jabast.

08-08-2019, 05:01 AM
Make Dodian great again