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View Full Version : First Order of Business

08-30-2019, 10:39 PM
Hello everyone,
Let's jump straight into it.

The first order of business is the slight changes to the staff team.
One of our moderators https://dodian.net/images/mod-crown.pngJabast has come to me personally to announce his resignation from the team
following a ton of upcoming events in his life that take precedence over his position. The team wishes him
well with all future endeavors and there will always be a spot on the team for him.

On the up-side, I'd like to announce the following promotions to https://dodian.net/images/mod-crown.pngTrial Moderator:


Let's give them both a round of applause and wish them good luck. Do us proud.

In addition, a section on the forums will be made dedicated to reviewing and furthering the growth of
our members of staff. I hope you all take the time to regularly utilize them as it serves as the perfect
opportunity to express your thoughts and concerns.

You can write a review today on the 'Dodian Server' forum -> 'Staff Rants & Reviews'

Moving onto the server, our developer has been working tirelessly to ensure everything is done properly and up to par with the players.

Some things you can expect to see in the next update:

New party balloons event to release rare items
Revamped player's online menu
::commands menu
Player positioning / location is now supported

Other changes:

Exp lamp rewards have been cut in half
A custom Staffzone has been created
Legend's Guild chest has been fixed following a bug
An issue with NPC sizing has been corrected
Several typo errors have been changed.

You can expect some more updates to go LIVE by September 6th

Some things you can expect to see in the next line of updates:

Brimhaven island expansion
Tai Bwo Wannai village expansion
Special attacks overhaul for all weapons
Prayer skill revamp
Sneak-peak of this year's Holiday events

08-30-2019, 10:41 PM
Welcome to the dream team LUHAN and RIFT!!! :D *Erupts into applause and tears* They grow up so fuckin' fast :yup::yup:

08-31-2019, 01:26 AM
Thanks for giving us the chance to prove ourselves, Cache. And of course, good ol' Spunky xD. We'll hopefully be a good help to the server & the community! :D

08-31-2019, 10:36 PM
Thanks for giving us the chance to prove ourselves, Cache. And of course, good ol' Spunky xD. We'll hopefully be a good help to the server & the community! :D

Yes we both appreciate the chance to shine! :angel:

09-01-2019, 10:09 AM
Epic, i look forward to more great updates (but not too many) haha

Also, when is the updated working client coming out?


09-01-2019, 11:37 AM
Epic, i look forward to more great updates (but not too many) haha

Also, when is the updated working client coming out?


Not too many? Bitch let em flood in MOOOOORRE COOOONTEEENNNNNNTTTT!

09-01-2019, 03:59 PM
i find dodian great due to the simplicity. nothing worse than too many updates changing the whole mechanism of the game. such as new weapons making older ones worthless and not used :/

theres a fine line! lol

09-01-2019, 04:37 PM
I get that I'm just messing anyway

09-02-2019, 02:25 PM
First and foremost good luck to Jabast!
Secondly, congratulations to Rift and Luhan, wish you two the best of luck!
Loving the updates, loving the drive and ambition to keep Dodian relevant, couldn’t be more pleased with the staff keeping this server alive! Brings back so many memories.

09-03-2019, 02:37 AM
Secondly, congratulations to Rift and Luhan, wish you two the best of luck!
Loving the updates, loving the drive and ambition to keep Dodian relevant, couldn’t be more pleased with the staff keeping this server alive! Brings back so many memories.

Thanks bro! Glad to hear that :)

09-04-2019, 11:48 AM
Am i the only one who doesn't want specs?

09-05-2019, 04:13 AM
Am i the only one who doesn't want specs?

I mean, yes and no.
I hear you saying no due to simplicity that Dodian brings and wanting to remain that way. But think about the difference it would make. Bosses would be easier to take down! There would be an upside to trying to PK! Specs are cool!
It's like the icing on top.
Could just be personal opinion.

Pro Noob
09-05-2019, 09:56 AM
Am i the only one who doesn't want specs?
I mean, yes and no.
I hear you saying no due to simplicity that Dodian brings and wanting to remain that way. But think about the difference it would make. Bosses would be easier to take down! There would be an upside to trying to PK! Specs are cool!
It's like the icing on top.
Could just be personal opinion.
We do currently got two weapons with special, this has a 1:8 chance to proc.
Atm d2h heals and whip just has increase damage.