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View Full Version : Hacked :(

08-26-2020, 06:03 PM
Just hopped on to do some slayer and to my dismay I've been hacked for max melee + mage + range gear, 30m, and a bunch of other supplies :(

Probably won't be playing anymore, GG everyone

08-29-2020, 01:57 PM
I don't do much around here anymore but I do see the fishy ip that logged into your account and I see a lot of other people's account names listed from that ip too. I'll try to get em to look into it.

I'm sorry this happened to you bro. It's real shitty that dickheads keep wanting to come and ruin the fun on Dodian.

Edit: Found who did it and found all of you guys' items. A lot of you got hacked by "Bro." (Or someone who hacked his account as well and stored the items there.) I see every single item of everyone's that was taken. This *should* be sorted out my guy. If I was an admin I'd be giving you guys the shit back literally right now.

08-30-2020, 05:54 PM
I don't do much around here anymore but I do see the fishy ip that logged into your account and I see a lot of other people's account names listed from that ip too. I'll try to get em to look into it.

I'm sorry this happened to you bro. It's real shitty that dickheads keep wanting to come and ruin the fun on Dodian.

Edit: Found who did it and found all of you guys' items. A lot of you got hacked by "Bro." I see every single item of everyone's that was taken. This *should* be sorted out my guy. If I was an admin I'd be giving you guys the shit back literally right now.

Thanks for the detective work! I really appreciate it :) . If someone could ahold of an admin pertaining this for me that'd be wonderful, if i could get my items back I'd love to continue playing.

08-30-2020, 09:03 PM
I'm working with the big man Cache we'll get yours as well as everyone else's shit back within a few days.

08-30-2020, 09:41 PM
I'm working with the big man Cache we'll get yours as well as everyone else's shit back within a few days.

Awesome! Thank you so much <3 Just lmk whenever y'all get everything worked out :)