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View Full Version : Neglect dmg change Poll

Pro Noob
07-26-2022, 08:51 AM
So you might of notice that I went ahead and nerfed the dragonfire shield.
The reason was due to it being overpowered to the point where people with melee did not used alot of food. We as a staff team did not like this so we decided to do the changes.

It have come to my attention it was to big of a nerf from some people. Other people complained that you now use more food. We have listen and taken the opportunity to make this poll to see how people want to proceed.

One option per player!

Keep current system, 2.5% + (prayer level + 1) / 8 (99 prayer = 12.5%, 1 prayer = 0.25%)
Increase the chance to, 4% + (prayer level + 1) / 7 (99 prayer ~14.28%, 1 prayer ~0.28%)
Add defence and prayer trigger, 4% + prayer level / 11 + defencer level / 11 (99 defence 1 prayer ~9.9%, 99 defence 99 prayer = 18%)
Add defence trigger only, 4% +(defence level + 1) / 7 (99 defence ~14.28%, 1 prayer ~0.28%)
Add defence trigger with prayer neglect dmg, 4% +(defence level + 1) / 7 (99 defence ~14.28%, 1 prayer ~0.28%), neglect dmg: prayerlevel / 8 (99 prayer = 12.375% neglect, 1 prayer = 0.125%)

07-26-2022, 02:01 PM
6. Revert nerf

07-26-2022, 02:12 PM
I feel like option 5 would be the most balanced option.

Pro Noob
07-26-2022, 02:34 PM
6. Revert nerf
Why and what for?

07-26-2022, 02:48 PM
Why and what for?

Simply don't think the nerf was necessary.

Pro Noob
07-26-2022, 03:06 PM
Simply don't think the nerf was necessary.
Why was it not necessary? Like making only people go for the dragonfire shield was not the correct play. Even if we did not balanced it out like we did, the shield would of got a nerf with either lowered chance to occur or only neglect half the damage. We having it set to 1:4 chance to occur was abit to often, so we decided to do a universal neglection instead.
That is what this poll is about, how often you guys want the universal occurance to be rather than a shield having all that power.

07-26-2022, 03:12 PM
Why was it not necessary? Like making only people go for the dragonfire shield was not the correct play.

I mean it's BIS, right? Everyone uses the exact same gear - the BIS gear.

Pro Noob
07-26-2022, 03:14 PM
I mean it's BIS, right? Everyone uses the exact same gear - the BIS gear.
Noone stated it was the bis shield. I created niche use from it, and I have tried to kept it that way by making sure it neglect highest amount of damage of any item in the game.

07-26-2022, 03:19 PM
Noone stated it was the bis shield. I created niche use from it, and I have tried to kept it that way by making sure it neglect highest amount of damage of any item in the game.

Best defensive stats + strength bonus makes it BIS no matter what anyone states.

Pro Noob
07-26-2022, 03:24 PM
Best defensive stats + strength bonus makes it BIS no matter what anyone states.
So if it is already bis right now, no need to revert.

07-26-2022, 03:26 PM
So if it is already bis right now, no need to revert.

It's your call either way, I was just voicing my opinion.

07-26-2022, 09:20 PM
Revert it back.

07-27-2022, 06:14 AM
Reverting is not an option. I support the idea of change as certain things were just broken in some way.

07-27-2022, 09:13 PM
Yeah I also maintain the stance that it shouldn't have been changed. We still had to use a decent amount of food even with it as it was. I still had to fish often. Honestly speaking, all you did was make it more annoying to play. Thats just my opinion. Why should things be more tedious? Bosses already attack quickly and with a lot of power. It's a game. It should be fun. Like the increase in resting for gathering skills. Why? Just to make it more tedious? That's not good.

"We as a staff team decided..." That's the problem. Please try to make major decisions WITH the players instead of making them and THEN consulting us. With that being said, I appreciate and respect polls like these. I just wish they'd happen before the major updates instead. A good majority of us do not like the change.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm being a dickhead but I don't really know how to be anything but direct. I don't intend to sound demeaning or anything.

Pro Noob
07-27-2022, 09:22 PM
Yeah I also maintain the stance that it shouldn't have been changed. We still had to use a decent amount of food even with it as it was. I still had to fish often. Honestly speaking, all you did was make it more annoying to play. Thats just my opinion. Why should things be more tedious? Bosses already attack quickly and with a lot of power. It's a game. It should be fun. Like the increase in resting for gathering skills. Why? Just to make it more tedious? That's not good.

"We as a staff team decided..." That's the problem. Listen to the players.
We are listening and reading what you guys are saying, but just go about your day to say "revert it" do not yield much. We always have a good reasoning why changes happend and try to communicate on why that is. I do a bunch of tests and we can't always nail it 100% of the time, but we do try.
As for bosses, me and Nozemi are on our way to rework most combat which you guys wanted here (https://dodian.net/showthread.php?t=823).

You are always free to leave a suggestion here (https://dodian.net/forumdisplay.php?f=4) and we would be appreciated if it was more than just "revert nerf cause food is tedious to get".

07-27-2022, 09:25 PM
We are listening and reading what you guys are saying, but just go about your day to say "revert it" do not yield much. We always have a good reasoning why changes happend and try to communicate on why that is. I do a bunch of tests and we can't always nail it 100% of the time, but we do try.

You are always free to leave a suggestion here (https://dodian.net/forumdisplay.php?f=4) and we would be appreciated if it was more than just "revert nerf cause food is tedious to get".

It's just that I don't see the reason for making anything *more* tedious. And it seems like in a couple ways that's the way the updates are headed.

Pro Noob
07-27-2022, 09:29 PM
It's just that I don't see the reason for making anything *more* tedious. And it seems like in a couple ways that's the way the updates are headed.
How is this poll making it more tedious?

07-28-2022, 01:14 AM
Well I said in the message above, you quoted it before i was done editing it as I sent it accidentally, i respect polls like this and appreciate them. I was just sayin in general. about the change itself. I don't think it needed to be changed. And the change about the rests during gathering skills. And the thing about making the game more tedious. Why did you suddenly start talking about the poll?

Pro Noob
07-28-2022, 04:33 AM
Well I said in the message above, you quoted it before i was done editing it as I sent it accidentally, i respect polls like this and appreciate them. I was just sayin in general. about the change itself. I don't think it needed to be changed. And the change about the rests during gathering skills. And the thing about making the game more tedious. Why did you suddenly start talking about the poll?
"the way the updates are headed" was why I were asking,because the poll is about a future update to make it less tedious for food usage but still be enough for you to want to fish.
We are also going to start working on this thread here (https://dodian.net/showthread.php?t=823) to make it even less so. Then we can start looking into other stuff like obtaining food, gear and herblore supplies.