View Full Version : Server Advertisement

I hit u die
04-25-2023, 02:54 PM
Hi Mods, all,

I can see plenty of great work has gone into server development recently (thanks Pro) and wanted to ask whether there are any plans to advertise the server to grow out the population and try restore a larger active playing community once again?

If so - any help needed to achieve that?

04-27-2023, 11:16 AM
Ive asked this question direct to Pro, and correct me if I'm wrong Pro Noob,

but he was not wanting to advertise the server at the moment in its current stage with crashing etc.

but please feel free to tell your friends about it the more the merrier

04-27-2023, 07:22 PM
I seriously wish there was.

05-01-2023, 10:58 PM
Any word on this? Curious as to the plans before I really dive in :)

05-05-2023, 04:18 PM
Any word on this? Curious as to the plans before I really dive in :)

No plans to advertise. I personally only intend to keep the server online as is, while Pro Noob might push some updates/changes. :)