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08-16-2023, 07:49 AM
Mikey Goals post

I will update this post weekly, once I reach any sort achievements, I'll post images below. Hope you guys help me keep the motivation up, it will be a long grind! (#1 Highscores here I come!)
You can discuss my progress & give me tips&tricks if you have any!

┆⮚⮚⮚⮚⮚ Goal ┆ Current progress ⮘⮘⮘⮘⮘┆
200M Fishing ┆ Level: 89 (Currently working on this)

200M Cooking ┆ Level: 85

200M Woodcutting ┆ Level: 6

200M Firemaking ┆ Level: 9

200M Runecrafting ┆ Level: 71

200M Magic ┆ Level: 89

200M Mining ┆ Level: 68

200M Smithing ┆ Level: 1

200M Strength ┆ Level: 57

200M Attack ┆ Level: 40

200M Defence ┆ Level: 40

200M Prayer ┆ Level: 62

200M Ranged ┆ Level: 1

200M Crafting ┆ Level: 1

200M Fletching ┆ Level: 1

200M Agility ┆ Level: 46

200M Herblore ┆ Level: 4

200M Hitpoints ┆ Level: 79

200M Thieving ┆ Level: 42

08-16-2023, 08:29 AM
Best of luck! Please say something about how you plan on doing it. What will you do first, will you camp 1 skill first, then on to the next?
Love your goal, ambitious, going for 50m all skills myself.

08-16-2023, 08:34 AM
Best of luck! Please say something about how you plan on doing it. What will you do first, will you camp 1 skill first, then on to the next?
Love your goal, ambitious, going for 50m all skills myself.

Most likely will grind out one skill at a time unless I get really bored, then I might do some PvM or just talk smack ingame :D
It will take some time but i'll try to finish it this year! XD
Good luck with the 50M grind :)