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View Full Version : requiem for a server

01-14-2018, 10:39 PM
bored out of my mind but still I wait
hurry up please you're already late
we should have had a server in december
that was what you said don't you remember?

do not be alarmed I do not mean a thing
because at this moment I am just memeing
right now I'm happy to sit and be an observer
but seriously hurry the fuck up with the server

01-15-2018, 02:50 AM
How many more days must we endure
In sorrow we've waited, tears starting to pour
Till dusk or till dawn, we'll patiently wait
Lest death finds us first, a horrible fate
Enough is enough, a server we're wanting
Rinse and repeat, a cycle quite daunting
Dreams of great Dodian, revived once again
It's coming real soon, in the words of Logan
Depression we face as we're lied to once more
Nary a server nor update, we find hope no more
Oh we wait and we wait, to waste all our time
Time that we spend on that treacherous grind
Honing our skills on an rsps
In which we've learned to love, but I digress
Now is when we want it, the server we adore
Grant us our wish, bring back Dodian once more
We closely listen to what staff members say
Reminiscing on Uber 3, and how much we would play
Obviously this writing has gone on far too long
Now listen closely to this message I've prolonged
Go back to the first letter of each line of this song

...and it spells Hitler did nothing wrong!

01-18-2018, 12:00 PM
I am deeply saddened that no one liked my poem.

a retard
01-18-2018, 02:22 PM
I am deeply saddened that no one liked my poem.

Maybe you shouldn't have made it an ode to antisemitism.