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Pro Noob
03-22-2024, 07:59 AM
Note that you need to click on everything you want added and leave the rest blank!
Please have a read through them before decide what you desire to vote for!
Any of the options need 50% passing for us to know that we can add it into the game.
1 vote per person!
The poll will last for one week.

The kraken did not pass last week, so I would like to offer a different type of boss, Venenatis.

- Cost 20 ship ticket (2 minimum and rest can be coins)
- Magic only can damage this boss
- Require 88 slayer to hurt
- Entrance near the deadly red spiders
- Like the Kalphite king and queen it give up to 2 loot
- Drop dragon tools (axe and pickaxe)

The Keris weapon currently only work on kalphite and would like to offer this to work on spiders aswell. If this pass and above I will add it as a drop for Venenatis

- Double damage
- 1:8 chance to do twice the damage
- 1:33 chance to do 4 times the damage
- Stats are the same as a rune scimitar but no prayer bonus like the Wolfbane weapon

Should a raid be made for Dodian in where you face against three barrows brothers, Guthan, Torag and Dharok.

- 3 bosses raid
- Up to 10 man can participate
- puzzles to be solved (Not decided on yet)
- Fight monsters before each bosses
- Gather resources to make supplies
- Points to determ the loot (more the better but cap at a certain stage)

Should the above give out the Dharok, Torag and Guthan armor and weapon in broken form.
Should the Kalphite queen, Kalphite king and Venenatis drop the following barrows gear broken:
- Kalphite queen drop Veracs
- Kalphite king drop Karil
- Venenatis drop Ahrim
We would like to offer 3 ways to repair your Barrows armour:
A) Items required to repair:

- Karil weapon 1 seercull and 1 crystal bow, armour require 1 spinned of each piece (helm for helm etc.)
- Ahrim weapon 1 ancient staff and 1 master wand, armour require 1 Infinity of each piece (hat for helm etc.)
- All other barrows gear require 2 dragon weapons of a choice for the weapon and armour require 1 dragon/obsidian/rock-shell of each piece (medium helm or helm for helm etc.)

B) Items required to repair:

- Karil weapon 4 points of range weapons and armour require 2 pieces of range armour
- Ahrim weapon 4 points of magic weapons and armour require 2 pieces of magic armour
- All other barrows gear require 4 points of dragon weapons and armour require 2 pieces of dragon/obsidian/rock-shell armour
- Seercull = 2 points, Crystal bow = 1 point, need to be Spinned either body or legs then the other can be whatever
- Master wand = 2 points, ancient staff = 1 point, need to be Infinity body or legs then the other can be whatever
- Dragon 2h = 2 points, other dragon weapons = 1 point, need to be dragon/obsidian/rock-shell body or legs then the other can be whatever

C) Items required to repair:

- Karil weapon 4 points of range weapons and armour require 4 points of range armour
- Ahrim weapon 4 points of magic weapons and armour require 4 points of magic armour
- All other barrows gear require 4 points of dragon weapons and armour require 4 points of dragon/obsidian/rock-shell armour
- Seercull = 2 points, Crystal bow = 1 point, spinned body or legs = 2 and other = 1
- Master wand = 2 points, ancient staff = 1 point, Infinity body or legs = 2 and other = 1
- Dragon 2h = 2 points, other dragon weapons = 1 point, dragon/obsidian/rock-shell body or legs = 2 and other = 1

If the raid drop Guthan, Torag and Dharok armour which effect should, which option of set effects should we add to the gear?
Do note that if none of these pass, please let us know which you like for each set or if you got a better idea.

- Guthan have a 1:8 chance to heal the damage they deal. This effect can overheal but will not go beyond 10% of max health
- Torag have a 1:8 chance to double hit. The 2nd hit will ignore accuracy roll but deal 50% of the damage you dealt
- Dharok have the ability to deal 1% increase damage of missing health

- Guthan have a 1:8 to deal double damage.
- Torag have a 1:8 chance to deal 10% minimum damage to 110% of it's max damage (if max hit is 48, you roll a 4 - 52 hit)
- Dharok have a 1:8 chance to reduce your target's str and defence by 20% (Cant go below this)

- Guthan have a 1:8 to drain your targets defence level by 20%
- Torag have your defence level increase by 1% per missing health
- Dharok have a 1:8 chance to deal double damage

If the new bosses drop Ahrim, Karil and Verac armour, which option of set effects should we add to the gear?
Do note that if none of these pass, please let us know which you like for each set or if you got a better idea.

- Karil have a 1:8 chance to reflect back the damage they recieved
- Ahrim have a 1:8 chance to do a ticking burn damage by taking your hit times two and divide by 4 every other tick four times.
- Verac have a 1:8 chance to reduce your opponents defence

- Karil have a 1:8 chance to reflect back the damage they recieved
- Ahrim have a 1:8 chance to deal a double hit based on your magic level by 1% per level (this means if your hit is 10, your double hit will be 9.9 aka 9 at level 99 magic)
- Verac have a 1:8 chance to have a 100% guarantee hit

- Karil have a 1:8 chance to deal a double hit based on your ranged level by 1% per level (this means if your hit is 10, your double hit will be 9.9 aka 9 at level 99 ranged)
- Ahrim have a 1:8 chance to heal you 50% of the damage dealt
- Verac have a 1:8 chance to reflect back the damage you recieved

If none of the above choices pass, should we instead make it so you need to repair these armour? They last about 15 hours in combat from full repair.
Repair cost is reduced based on your smithing level (to be determined)
Should magic roots be able to be turned into battlestaves? This will require 60 fletching to do and a knife to make.
Should we change how you hand in agility tickets?

- 10 ticket -> 650 xp per
- 50 ticket -> 675 xp per
- 100 ticket -> 700 xp per
- 200 ticket -> 750 xp per
- 500 ticket -> 800 xp per
- 50 ticket -> 3 - 6 seeds package (allotment, herbs, flowers and bushes)
- 50 ticket -> 3 - 6 second ingredience package
- 50 ticket -> 3 - 6 grimy herbs package
- 250 ticket -> Gnome scarf