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View Full Version : Progression Change

01-28-2018, 05:22 PM
I was just thinking, why shouldn't the server change into how dodian truely once was? I thought it would be crazy if you merged ub4r and exorth concept into the dodian we are playing now. I'm talking even getting a mith weapon is a crazy drop to get and skilling is truely defined skilling to make your character grow in many ways. Exp would surely be different and have to be faster than previously but at the pace the server is in now, I'm thinking it'd just be so much better to think about memories of how the good days were with dodian.

Also, if dev applications come in, I would apply to assist with in-game content.

01-29-2018, 02:02 AM
it'd be cool, home was falador on exorth right? don't know if we have the amount of players for it to be successful though, last thing we want is unused content

a retard
01-29-2018, 02:39 AM
Things do feel a bit fast as they are now. Combat could be brought down a hair, and definitely the drop rates. no need for smithing if all that stuff drops like crazy.

01-29-2018, 08:39 AM
I've been on working on tweaking drop rates for the official release but they will remain relitively the same for the rest of beta

01-29-2018, 09:14 AM
You hit the nail on the head with the benefit of the more grindyness of exorth. We'll call that thr gameplay mechanics - higher drop requirement, more valuable currency, and rewarding skilling, which the team is doing with all the changes to the stock dodian content, while maintaining the core and feel of dodian (cities, key dungeon system, certain mobs, etc.) which all should effectovely balance out skilling and combat in dodian. In ub3r, you were incredibly disadvantaged if you were a skiller because their services simply werent needed. I know zman has already began spreading ot drops, and making monsters more challanging.

Theres still tons lf work to do, but things are slowly getting there.

Keeps posting all your thoughts.