Thread: Pay to Play?
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Old 04-29-2019   #2
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Belgium
Posts: 99

Originally Posted by Nozemi View Post
I see where you're coming from. There are lots of thoughts to this that I couldn't get down to words in one post.

To make this work, it needs to be "hidden" until you make an account, and a few simple bullet points that explains very quickly what the system is. Something like this:

Deposit System
- 24 hour actual hours play time (with premium)
- Pay $x to keep the account after trial time
- If you at a later point choose to quit playing, you could apply for a refund. Which you'll get as long as you haven't broken any rules.

Something along those lines should explain quickly what it is. But this system would realistically come in place some time after we've started advertising etc, which means we'll by then know whether or not people want to play the server.

If people want to play it, and we have an active community, we can implement the system. Accounts created prior to that point in time where we introduce it could be free, but I don't know about such details yet.

I know that to get a system like this to actually work and be nice, is very delicate, and needs to be thought very thoroughly before implemented. Otherwise it'll probably just bite us in the ass.
I'm starting to understand the idea a bit better, and maybe am looking a bit more positive towards it. But how is the server going to raise funds for advertisement and stuff alike? Just simple donating for cosmetics or ...? Whats the idea on that? Or have we raised some decent amount at this point in time?
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