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Old 07-05-2019   #11
Pro Noob
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 264

Originally Posted by Brrs View Post
I'm not sure if all arrows act the same but id like to see rune arrows be worth something as apposed to bronze, same thing for axes and pickaxes. if we add value to better axes we could add them in ass drops maybe to slayer monsters? maybe we could add a few slayer monsters? I would also like axes and pickaxes att requirement lowered to 1 for skillers.
Arrows give range atk bonus which in dodian contribute to it's range damage.
I agree that there need to be some more slayer monsters, but it is for the community to decide. Next update there will be one more task.
Up to the community how they feel about this, but I had done before so that it was level 1 atk to wield but require the skill they are being used for to wield.
Example is rune axe is 41 to woodcut with but would need 61 to be able to wield. However if you had the attack level you bypass this.

Hope that helped you out.
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