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Old 07-14-2019   #1
Pro Noob
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 264
Default Update 7:14:2019

Ever wonder why you would need 3 keys in your inventory just for one dungeon? Not anymore! Aslong as you got the keys in your bank or inventory, it'll now be checked
To compensate this I have made it so instead of teleporting, you'll now preform the obstacle to enter each part. (Ledge for yellow key and monkey bars for orange key).

I have added support for global objects. This allowed us to now display visually when you can steal from the Yanille or Legends guild chest.
Open = not thievable, Closed = thievable.
I have also made it so both got a 20 second respawn time.

Make-over mage feel like the 3k she charge is just not fitting her service.
She have decided to remove this fee and allow players to change their appearance whenever you feel like.
  • Fixed so you can now trade or duel tradeable items.
  • Fixed so agility course stage now save upon logout.
  • Fixed so you can get a random event trigger from pickpocketing.
  • Fixed so you can't steal from the chest in dragon lair.
  • Fixed an issue where you could relog or reenter the region and be able to steal from the stalls.
  • Fixed more agility animations for obstacles.
  • Fixed whenever you did agility your sword and shield showed up while preforming the animation.
  • Fixed so you now update your appearance whenever you accept your new appearance from make-over interface.
  • Fixed drop rate for Jungle Demon.

Last edited by Pro Noob; 07-14-2019 at 01:07 PM.
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