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Old 07-19-2019   #8
Pro Noob
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 264

Originally Posted by Jabast View Post
I think we need to slow down a bit on all the PvM updates cause I came back and all I see is loads of PvM content pumped into the game without fixing some stuff that is just completely shit. Herblore and Runecrafting are both insanely slow skills, that's not the issue, whilst it already took long enough to get essence for 99rc, you now have the wizard at the bottom of the tower, which indeed does save some time. As it stands getting 99rc with the highest exp rate possible would leave u with about 115k useless cosmic runes. getting 99 rc with bloods & cosmics takes just about the exact same amount of time. And then only being able to get herblore supplies from drops and them being really low rates is absurd. Would it be hard for you to introduce farming to this server at any time in the near future?
Drops are consider a pvm update as it is pvm drops. The reason why there are so many pvm updates is because combat is the most popular ingame.
Except from drops is there anything else to the Herblore skill?
The runecrafting part I have looked into but not done much as a poll is currently running for this, but it do not seem like it is going to pass. So if you got suggestions like rune pouch or balance the experience, let us know.
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