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Old 09-07-2019   #2
Pro Noob
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 264

1) Been suggested and mention that it might be released in the future.
2) There will be other rings released hence why we have not opt to change stats on the ring.
3) Spined offer defensive bonus over the hat / boots hence why they are like 1 or 2 less range bonus.
4) The lamps are being dropped on the ground when you have full inventory, so not sure what you mean by lost. There is a 1:10 chance to get one.
5) This was old planned content and have nothing planned for 90+ slayer. Will be removed next update.
6) Any ideas for cash sink? I have got skip slayer task as one thus far.
7) This is intended as fury should be bis (best in slot). Also make it a goal to work towards. The crafting experience was increased in a update long time ago aswell as green dhide is lower requirement to make stuff from.

Last edited by Pro Noob; 09-08-2019 at 10:36 AM.
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