Thread: [Server] 2nd Orange Key Drop
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Old 12-23-2019   #7
Pro Noob
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 264

Originally Posted by Dope View Post
I was thinking of a second spot, but it seems like I'm alone on this one besides one other player.

That's a good point.

I didn't realize that the drop was given to player who dealt the most damage, when I posted this I assumed it was whoever hit first.
I can confirm that it is based on who deal the most damage.

I would not say having another spawn will help to solve whatever you propose.
Cause then there will be two bosses of the same drop table being camped.

The only way it can really be solve if we allow people to have a chance at the key whenever they deal atleast 20 or 25% of the damage. However this would take away a achievement some player's have done
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