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Old 05-06-2020   #9
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I'm just reffering to instances I've seen in-game chats and discord, and not particularly recent as we don't have many people playing this moment. The people I've seen saying there should be a reset are people who have a reason why, not that the economy is truly broken. And noones gunna say "I got cleaned, reset the eco" either.. I'm not naming names or instances, I'm just being general on my reasoning why I don't want a reset as I don't believe the economy is broken. Things like the new year's event would have been a huge waste of time. Many of the 20+ people we had on then still have their accounts, if they choose to come back just to start at square one again might be a deterant, as many were fresh accounts. Most new dodian players are returning players. Just my opinions on the matter. If the vote passes on reset then so be it. I just don't understand why people can't just make new accounts if they want to start fresh, what does it matter what everyone else has for stats and their bank? I'm usually only in favor of eco resets after something like a massive dupe that caused damage beyond repair

Last edited by Psionyx; 05-06-2020 at 12:49 PM.
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