Thread: A Guarantee.
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Old 06-15-2020   #8
Registered Member
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: The Netherlands
Posts: 23

Maybe you shouldn't nag and read the forums.
There are no donations now, it is no longer a P2W server.

We are working on a new stable OSRS version!
And instead of asking for guarantees, make sure you become part of the project. Like most do here, by helping to write, collect data and suggest ideas that could potentially be used!

And as far as you shout about advertisements, there should first be a stable server, and a nice fun community!
If the community wants advertisements to be published, the community will also have to pay for this.

I personally think it is great that people make their domain and server available to run this version!

So take care of your own guarantee and make sure you become part of the remake!
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