Thread: A Guarantee.
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Old 06-16-2020   #10
Pro Noob
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 264

Why did the last Dodian, Exorth, etc. fail?
- You answered your own question:
" I have been playing many of Fabrice's last projects and have always been let down by the poor advertising of the server and overall unwillingness to see it progress ",
I believe mostly the "unwillingness to see it progress" part.
As we all know Dodian is a old source and need a upgrade. This upgrade is where we are currently at. If this sounds like the same ol same ol, then I am sad to see that is all I got.

How can you guarantee a stable playerbase?
- Noone can guarantee a stable player count. People lose interest, others come back. We do our best to make sure there is some sort of interest.

Will you conduct regular updates that address what the community wants to see, this time?
- We have done quite a few updates. Some of the stuff however is either not supportive due to dodian or just do not feel like dodian. If you got any suggestions feel free to leave a post here. We'll openly welcome them and also attempt to discuss.
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