Thread: [Server] My Input
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Old 11-10-2020   #12
Pro Noob
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 264

Release the server to the public. Go ahead and put the community on a TopList. The influx of players will keep the developement and player community motivated. More players = more fun/motivation/suggestions/bug finds.
- I'd say we hold off on this until we got something that is worth advertising for. There is some issues that need to be addressed first.

Change the text interface to 317 with the ability to change according to modern RSPS style. Allow NPCs to walk around clipped, and not face south
- Not sure what you mean with "Text interface to 317" aswell as "change according to modern rsps style", so elaborate on that.
For the npc facing south and not walking is a part of dodian. If people wish this to be changed, we'll need to poll it.

Make it where we can pay-to-win to stimulate the economy. This will also help off-set the price of server upkeep costs.
- This is more my opinion and nothing set in stone, but I do not like pay to win games. However this is indeed a free to play game so this would be expected, just that I personally would prefer cosmetic that stands out then you buying best in slot gear for irl money.

Much like Winten's co-developer back in the day, customize the client's login screen as well as snow on the ground, bobbles, auto-text color/style, etc. While you're at it, fix the login screen so the current background is used to type in login info, rather than a common interface.
- I would hold of with this until we got a better client and perhaps a source that is more stable. I do like the idea though and hope we can add support for these type of things.

Last edited by Pro Noob; 11-10-2020 at 05:44 PM.
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