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Old 12-11-2020   #26
Fabrice L
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Enlighten Me!
Posts: 55

Originally Posted by Timer View Post
More like, I was just lurking out of the blue. Other mods that have yet to be listed were the ones who actually exposed this XP method. So, hint of advice, look into this more if you care.

and for you @noz I've always been a true fan of dodian based servers but the proof is in front of your eyes.. an xp dupe that's been around for months, no devs or staff caught on. the player count is always under 5. All of you put your focus into something that can actually pay off, for the user and the developer.
The point of Dodian isn't even to pay off, it's here just for nostalgic reasons. It's not like any of the involved people are emptying their pockets on this. Think that's just Nozemi and me paying stuff here right now and we're not even active members of the community, counts for me atleast
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