Thread: Staff Changes
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Old 03-27-2021   #7
Admin & Dev
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Posts: 86

Originally Posted by Ween View Post
Until you realized he's made false promises or has gotten the community hyped up on a cycle like 5 times already since he's started this new source. This is nothing new. His momentary return (which was fueled by the rage of being opposed this time) for a turn around into immediate demotivation and toxicity. The cycle will never end and I'm truly sorry as a community we have to have these people in charge.
You keep proving my decision to remove you as moderator. Also I certainly haven’t seen either you or Ivan contribute or make an effort to get Dodian developed, other than whining over people not working for free. So let’s drop this silly discussion. The situation is terrible. I’ve made tons of bad promises that was never delivered. Yet there is nobody doing anything about it, I’m the closest one to do something. So as bad as it is, I’m the only hope Dodian has. Ivan has been in charge for a while now, but not a lot has happened, even after I stopped making any promises and told straight up I didn’t want to continue working on Dodian.

With this I ask you nicely to stop the negativity you have towards me and the rest of the staff team. It’s not gonna help anyone. In fact it’s things like this that make me toxic and not desire to work on Dodian. Not reason alone of course.
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