Thread: Staff Changes
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Old 04-02-2021   #4
Admin & Dev
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Originally Posted by matokiller5 View Post
I agree with you friend, the economy of the server is very bad and restarting the server is really necessary. There is definitely a way to prevent 10 whips in game per player. With the new server comes new players and the economy will be good, at least from the beginning. The question is how to keep economy in good shape.

I can think of several solutions to solve it:

1. setting the droprate to such a level that obtaining the item is a challenge, but at the same time it is not impossible.
2. 1% of the money is removed from the game by each duel.
3. only cash could be staked. It should give true value to gp.
4. skip tasks is great as it is, it removes a lot of money and I realy like it.
5. it is possible to add some fees to selected locations.

If you really don't want to restart the server anymore, let's at least restart the economy or do the voting. I hope that if we run everything from again, we can achieve a quality server with good perspective to play. Let me know what you think about it.
Good thinking this, and it's appreciated! We'll for sure have to do something to stabilize the economy of Dodian. However wiping it only temporarily solves it. Fixing the problem's root will permanently fix the economy long term as it is. However right now I'm not concerned with this.

Plan at the moment is to deliver on what I've been babbling about for the past two years, finally. Hopefully I can make it happen this time around. New website is progressing very well. Which will allow us to do way more in terms of logging and managing the server. I know a lot of you have been accusing mods for staff abuse. I want to make sure we get to the bottom of stuff like that.

I'll make sure to make an announcement explaining more in detail what we've planned for the future of Dodian. I just need to make some more progress on the new website and server before. There will likely be a beta of both the new website and the new server when we get closer.

In the meantime, please trust that we think things thoroughly before we decide on anything. There have been too many mistakes to rush any decisions. Despite this, we'll probably make some more mistakes here and there.
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