Thread: Plans Ahead
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Old 04-02-2021   #4
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Originally Posted by BAJF View Post
First of all, thank you for the update, we've waited patiently for this. I appreciate you reaching out to the community and ask for their input.

I like the idea of a point system, if implemented correctly. Right now, there is no competition over supposedly rare items and too many players are maxed out or nearly maxed out. All there is left is the hoarding of items.

Cosmetic, untradeable items only. I agree with Jabast on this, all it would do is decrease the value of the rare drops. Adding to the idea of limited-edition items, you can make those cosmetic items seasonal, i.e. bunny ears / easter baskets during Easter and H'ween masks during Halloween. Other cosmetics could include Cavalier hats, flowers, gilded armor: the original fashionscape items.

Simply put: no. Although it would positively balance the game, I believe many players would quit the game after seeing their hard work be shattered, which would be disastrous for the already shrinking player base. Let them be maxed out if they want, let them play the game however they want. I believe enough players will optionally revert their skills to create a new layer of valuables. It needs only a few to lead.

I do support an optional conversion of skill experience into points: it increases the longevity of the player journey on Dodian and add purpose to the grind. I do not support a forceful or optional conversion of items, which is where I disagree with Jabast. Converting items would not increase the value of the rares with such a small player base. It would only add temporary value to them and shift the emphasis from skilling to camping bosses at max level. Point rewards could be purchased too soon, as there is no competition at the bosses. This does not increase the longevity of the player journey, hence we cannot sustainably grow the player base.

Untradeables only. Preferably cosmetics. The economy should be more balanced and adding tradeables would disturb that even further. Runescape has always been about long, tedious grinds and although I believe some skills need to be more balanced, adding tradeables is not the solution.
Thanks for your input. Looks well reflected. In my personal opinion I wouldn't do anything forcefully, but I still need to look aside from what I personally want and try to find what's best for Dodian.

As for seasonal items, I'm not sure, we could probably do that, or we could reserve them for seasonal events. We need to think about that. Events would require someone to make them as well, which we need to consider.

I probably wouldn't put party hats in this store. I didn't agree with Ivan's way of distributing rare items, so ideally I'd like a way to remove the rares that was distributed and distribute them the way I originally planned to (more on that later if it becomes relevant).

Another thing that came to mind when you mentioned longevity, is skill prestiges. If we decided to go with prestiges for skills, how do we combine this with the point system? I guess the answer is, it just works well, people have to decide if they want points or prestige.

Originally Posted by supertje View Post
So beware not every osrs item works fine in this cache, i have tried to fix allot, but take as example, the inferno cape is fucked up.
Not really relevant. If we add the item, we fix the item. Also as I mentioned going with actual OSRS server base, we could use a OSRS deob client. This would eliminate all the bugs found in clients modified by the RSPS community.

Originally Posted by supertje View Post
So do not trade xp or levels in, so maybe give skillers a random (skiller) item while skilling that can be trade for points.

You can mix the items up of tradeable things, like consumables. But gear not.
Im not a fan of combat gear in the store.
We will need to make skilling less useless and more involved with the rest of the game. Skilling just to get those 99s is boring and pointless, for a lot of people anyway. I've drafted quite a few plans on how to improve this previously. I'll reveal more details on this once it's time.

For now though, the idea is to figure out how to best please all players, both those who want a reset and those who doesn't. This is where the points store comes in.

The idea is to give every single item a value, so you can convert them to points. Value depends on how hard items are to obtain naturally.

We have discussed the idea of being able to disguise gear as something else. In WoW this would be called transmog. So your whip could look like a bronze dagger for example. If we go this route, we could put skins (let's call them skins) in the shop.
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