Thread: Plans Ahead
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Old 04-03-2021   #15
Admin & Dev
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Originally Posted by hieko View Post
I feel now is a chance for the community to reset and rebuild, we used to be so active and so involved and i understand weve all grown up and have lives now but theres pretty much no forum activity and all we see is discord mostly. A clean new base would be a great start to get things rolling as well. I do like the idea of an OSRS base since it has more upward potential in growing vs the current base.
I have some plans for Dodian, and would only consider a full reset when Dodian has matured substantially. Just launching a new server base with the same old content, same old drop rates would be futile. We'd be back to the current situation in no time.

Also not to mention we've been promising for two years not to reset anyone, at least not forcefully. All we can do for now is incentivize people to reset themselves, by giving them something worthwhile to do it for.

However if we increase the difficulty of things a bit, by doing things as losing items on death etc, it would probably less necessary to do any resets. Also should introduce iron man modes to Dodian.

The conclusion about no forceful resets will stick. In the future when (or even if) Dodian is substantially changed, we can maybe revisit the topic of a reset. Hopefully by then it's not relevant anymore though.
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