Thread: Plans Ahead
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Old 04-03-2021   #18
Pro Noob
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 264

Originally Posted by matokiller5 View Post
You got absolutely right and i agree with you in every sentence. But i think you dont quite understand what i want to change. I dont want to ruin economy and i want keep that competition about killing jad and getting red key as it is. Ill try to explain on example here:
The only thing i need is dragon boots. So i have to kill the only boss that drops d boots (KBD). But at the moment 1 player is killing KBD and 3 players are on wait list to kill him and they have higher DPS because they already got boots. What shoud i do? I have to wait.
So the solution that has been mentioned is instance rooms but it would kill the competition about item. We should add monsters like Mithril dragons that drop dboots, and at the same time decrease drop-rate. So for example if i have 1/100 chance to get Dboots from KBD, I would add Mithril dragons that drop d boots with chance of 1:5000 and also decrease droprate from kbd to 1:200 and it should keep economy in same shape. (didnt calculate it but its just example). So now i see KBD is occupied, i can kill Mithril dragons. Hope you know what i mean. And thanks for your reply.

''I'd even go as far as saying the drop rates are too high considering the small community.''

Yes, thats why i feel like droprates shoud be decreases on new server and eco should be restarted. First we need droplist with well thought out numbers, because its to late to change something once server is online.
Good reason why it is not easy to add a new boss into the game.

As to reduce time on bosses (from your old post), I would like to do it. However as of right now there is no real mechanic to boses to lower their spawn rate.
If we add some sort of challenge / mechanic, then we can start reduce spawn timer.

Last edited by Pro Noob; 04-03-2021 at 02:16 PM.
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