Thread: Sooo...?
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Old 05-20-2021   #5
Admin & Dev
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Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 86

Originally Posted by Goku View Post
So the server is not happening I take it, been waiting for it. Almost June now.. just a yes or no please.
The server is happening. It just takes time, I don't solely dedicate my time towards Dodian.

I currently don't have a job, so I need to work on both the reasons why I don't, as well as prepare for what's to come.

There is quite a bit to develop before we can launch anything new, if we even are. We did ask about bugs in the current server, close to nobody reported any bugs, and those that were reported were mainly minor bugs that aren't game breaking.

Originally Posted by BAJF View Post
Highly doubt it. Don't get your hopes up.
I'm sorry.

Also Jabast, asking for patience is unreasonable. Goku asked a fair question considering there have been very few progress updates. The least thing players deserve at this point is transparent information on the current status. Not complete radio silence.
It's also unreasonable for the community to expect us to deliver within the timeframe you believe is appropriate for whatever it is we do. Fact is majority of you don't even develop yourselves, so you don't know the first thing about what kind of effort is required to get things done.

Also quite important to note that Dodian is solely voluntary and we also have more important things to do aside from Dodian. I do know and understand that it's frustrating to have to wait, and see me wanting to make something, but never see any results. However, I never lie, and when I tell you we're making progress, but slowly, we're making progress. I don't say it just to get off the hook.
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