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Old 08-11-2021   #8
Admin & Dev
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Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 86

I’m painfully aware of how annoying this is. At this point I’d say the options are:
1. Enable trading and eco (or full wipe) server once new one goes live.
2. Keep it as is, while we wait for new server to go live.

I’ve made an attempt to fix the dupe. I did not succeed, and it doesn’t seem to be a simple fix. Not that I’m the most experienced rsps developer around. I’m really just a web developer, but learning.

Reasons like this case is why Dodians source code is public. So anyone in the community could fix it. I know there are capable people in the community, or at least were. Apparently nobody is really interested in doing the work that is necessary to retain a remake of Dodian. Other than the current team of developers. For that reason things take an awful long time and things might never get fixed. I personally gave up messing with the current server, as it’s simply not worth spending couple days figuring out how to prevent this dupe for happening.

This said, I didn’t even expect people to be interested in playing Dodian this far out. It’s been over 3 years since this run went live. That’s probably over 2 years longer than any remake have ever run without having a reset. So my focus isn’t really to retain player count, I’m more focused on restoring player count once we have something I personally think is good, instead of this bugged out shot hole of a server.

I’m sorry for the inconveniences this situation causes. Sadly not in my power to have an immediate solution that has no consequences. So I’ll naturally pick the one I feel is best long term.
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