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Old 02-16-2022   #6
Fabrice L
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Enlighten Me!
Posts: 55

Originally Posted by Nozemi View Post
I fully agree with you, it is a damn shame for sure! However, I when I looked at the trading dupe issue, I tried to patch it up. However it seems the real fix would involve substantial rewrite of the server. Maybe entirety of trading needs a rewrite.

I know in the past there has been similar trading dupes that have been patched, yet new one pops up. I'm not personally dedicating any time patching up this old server. With whatever time I have to dedicate to RSPS, I'll dedicate it to a replacement server that (when/if done) would give Dodian a much better long term solution.

Not sure I'd say I've given up on Dodian, it just takes quite a bit of work, and I don't exactly get paid to do this, and I don't want to or expect to get paid to do this either. However, as a result, I have other things I need to attend to in my daily life as well.

Also there aren't exactly a long line of people offering their development knowledge to improve Dodian in any way. So as bad as it is, I'm what you've got. Arch has offered his hand though, but I don't think he has nearly enough time to be writing a new server to replace the current one. It's more like he'll have time to fix some bugs here and there, and add some smaller additions when he has time.

I've long been pursuing this being a community-driven thing for the sake of nostalgia. Instead of this repeating cycle of "wanna-be-professional" shit-fest that keeps going. Ideally everyone would have free access to everything from hosting providers to databases to codebases and what not, and everyone effectively being admins. But let's be real, that's not feasible. However, I'm willing to be quite flexible with anyone offering their hand to help Dodian progress. I've talked to people before, but most people seem to want to take a path that leads away from Dodian, while that is cool and all, that still isn't Dodian and we can't replace Dodian with that.

However, from time to time I am actually working towards getting Dodian what it needs, but like I've said a ton of times already, it's a lot of work. It's definitely taking a lot longer than I (and anyone else as well) have hoped for, but considering I'm a perfectionist, and I'm aiming for top quality (OSRS level quality standard), it'll help Dodian get a foundation to build on the day that is done.
You're just fine, take your time. We still got a place to hang and just look at when we feel old
Enlighten me!
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