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Old 06-20-2022   #1
Admin & Dev
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Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 79
Default Outsourcing & Crowdfunding Development of Dodian

I'll cut right to the chase. As we all know, I'm not very effective, and I've had people offer to donate in the past, but kept turning you down. Now however, I've decided to explore the option of outsourcing parts of the development of Dodian, which creates a crowdfunding possibility to get Dodian where it needs to go.

This will in no way guarantee anything, but it'll be a good and honest attempt at getting something done. So I've taken the time to write up a request thread on Rune-Server (click to see thread). This thread is mostly intended to build a network of people I can go to when we have something that can be outsourced and have the means to pay someone.

I've also written a little bit of information about donations and how to donate on Discord, in the #donating channel. You feel free to read that if you're interested in paying outside developers to do what I'm not.

Also should probably be said; I can't guarantee that I won't ever encounter scammers, but I will guarantee that I do what I can to ensure I don't give scammers our funds. I won't be careless with the money, and will vet the ones who are to do services well - mostly rely on trusted members of the RSPS community, at least as much as I can.
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