Thread: Server bug?
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Old 08-24-2022   #5
Pro Noob
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 264

This discussion is nothing new. The reason we do not reveal the drop rate in % is due to people's take on rng. If a item is 10% and they have gone 50 kills dry, they will become aggitated. As to your problem, we could implement stuff to manipulate the rate. However this would technically not be rng and would be hard to balance.

About the examine feature, since it is all rng it will only give you an idea if you were to kill X monster 1000 times these are the things you could expect. And due to using our rng system, it will always be different each time you examine.

If you wish to see how the drop list work as, can check this.
If not this is how we determ the rate on the droplist
Spoiler for rate:

100% (10000:10000) - Always
>= 60% < 100% - Very common
>= 25% < 60% - Common
>= 5% < 25% - less common
>= 1% < 5% - rare
>= 0.1% < 1% - very rare
< 0.1% - Extremely rare

Last edited by Pro Noob; 08-26-2022 at 08:34 AM.
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