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Old 01-20-2023   #6
Pro Noob
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 264

Originally Posted by Sneakuhs View Post
I played this in many iterations but unfortunately I'd never consider putting money towards a server that let a moderator run rampant calling people slurs and banning them for no reason. Joined back in 2020 and there was a decent player base and new players would come in from time to time and the same mod would harass the new players, openly admit to exploiting glitches and dcing players on bosses and more. This was escalated and unfortunately the higher ups are either sympathizers for racist and homophobic people and do not care about server growth or will let their IRLs do whatever they want. Sorry but you will not be getting an investment from me this time around.
We have never set a moderator rampant. Whenever we found out a moderator gone rampant, we have dealt with it and banned the person. If they continue on alts, we have done action towards them aswell. If there is any other moderator that is currently running rampant, report them and we will deal with it. We have never tolerated misbehaviour with our staff and that has not changed.

Last edited by Pro Noob; 01-20-2023 at 06:47 AM.
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