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Old 03-27-2023   #1
Pro Noob
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 264
Default Content To change #10

Here is a list of what I wish to change wit the game and require some feedback..
Note that you need to click on everything you want added and leave the rest blank!
1 vote per person!
The poll will last for one week.
  1. Make you able to unlock with coins, where atleast 2 of them are ship tickets. Each ticket will be worth 2 million, which is 36 million + 2 ship tickets.
  2. If above do not pass should we make you able to unlock with coins, where atleast 2 of them are ship tickets. Each ticket will be worth 1 million, which is 18 million + 2 ship tickets.
  3. If above do not pass, should we make it so you require 10 tickets to unlock the cavern to Cave horror? Do note that if we lower the amount of tickets, you will be refunded from the previous unlock.
  4. If neither pass, shall we instead make the drop rate overall from various sources? Currently it is bosses 1:256 to 1:155 and mobs 1:532 to 1:368 depening on accessability or difficulty to kill. Propose rate: bosses 1:210 to 1:112 and mobs 1:464 to 1:248.
  5. If none of above is passing, should we just make it so cave horrors require coins to unlock? This will be 40 million permanent but a ship ticket to enter.
  6. If above do not pass along side the others, shall we make it 20 million instead?
  7. If none of the above pass, shall the cave horror be 20 million and inferno cave be 40 million?
  8. If none at all pass, shall we make it 50k entry with 20 million permanent upgrade and have ship ticket be sold to a vendor for 150k?

Last edited by Pro Noob; 03-28-2023 at 05:37 AM.
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