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Old 07-07-2023   #3
Pro Noob
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 264

Originally Posted by Ivan View Post
So, i'd like to begin with what a great job you are doing Pro Noob and I love the consistent posting of polls for future content. With that being said, skillcape perks would be a nice addition to the game we all know and love but if they pass they need to be looked at even further as some may be deemed as 'OP'...Nonetheless a few tweaks and they should easily compliment gameplay without compromising the integrity of the game.

However, as much as we all would like quest cape/max capes to have perks of every other skillcape..I feel as if that would be entirely to OP.
I agree that the quest cape/max cape should be intoduced to the game but without perks.
I also agree on the prices for the 2 new capes that you came up with, as well as the requirements for them (especially the quest cape being obtainable for skillers).

I'm not sure exactly what you meant by 'random' max cape emote but it should have an emote just not a random one or the same one as the quest cape.

Like I said, if normal skillcape perks were to pass they would need further looking into as I counted a handful that could potentially be too powerful. I will stress again that even though it may seem warranted, having the questcape/max cape grant the perks of all skillcapes (even if just a percentage) is entirely too OP and may have a negative effect on the game.
Thank you for the feedback.
The random emote is just take all skillcape emote and just randomly select one every time you click on it.

The concern for the perks I can see occuring. If we deem them to op we do have an option to split it between trim and none trim so we can balance around that.

For the max cape and quest point cape in terms of perks I can see the quest point cape not having the perks for combat ones but the others I seem fine due to how much you need to do in order to get the cape to begin with along with the price. The max cape is there due to it having all the skillcapes in one.
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