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Old 08-05-2023   #3
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Originally Posted by Iburn View Post
Merging could be nice, if all the years of work weren't done in vein (no resets). Whichever option would be cheapest to run while maintaining community option to update the code to be put into live would be nice
For merging to be a possibility, there are quite a few things that needs to happen. But this also depends on what extent you see a merger happen.

It's gonna be a bit more complicated, considering we're two different administrations. I'm not sure if our visions align (yet).

It would also mean that a fair amount of effort needs to be put in from each member of the team. Which puts more weight on our shoulders, which ultimately might cause disagreements, and stir up drama, and then lead to a stand-still.

But feel free to elaborate on it, and propose something more concrete, in a little more detail!
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