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Old 08-07-2023   #13
Fabrice L
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Enlighten Me!
Posts: 55

Originally Posted by Surface View Post
Understood. I just think it?s a loss opportunity for all sides involved to have a duplicate at .net when we have the original coming back with a motivated and capable developer. If you ever do consider selling it, you know where to find me. My intent would be to buy it and simply have it redirect to permanently. In front of the community I?ll place my verbal offer of $5,000 USD.
You can offer all you want, money is the last of my worries to be honest. If I need 5k, I just go to work for a little longer.

We are not a duplicate, we are our own server. We're not even close to what dodian was back in the day. Even for me it would be a big jump back in time to play dodian as it was. But as usual, dodian as it was is gonna be just that, as it was. Some of us oldies will play and grind levels (even me probably), but it will slow down as per usual.

Just like us, will have go its own direction, most likely with a new source (which I know Plasma is working on) and all new content to suit what people want to see in a private server nowadays.
Enlighten me!
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