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Old 02-23-2024   #8
Pro Noob
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 264

Originally Posted by armindo View Post
not really a fan of sets (specially ones that include weapons on them) in runescape. Specially when the black mask is in contention. But if you do add them:
- add guthans instead of verac (unless you make verac completely unbalanced, it will be way worse than max gear anyways);
- make it so you can use the black mask with the barrows set.
Black mask / slayer helm is only for slayer tasks so would not make sense if it combine with the set. As for guthans, there is also dharok and torags. Reason I went with Verac is from back in the days it was the preferable gear set against the boss. Sure it was not melee only boss but I felt it still fit in for Dodian.

The sets of Guthan, Torag and Dharok will be introduced in other ways (Maybe a raid?). If the poll do fail of adding the drops, will look into changing their effect (reason some might not want them added) and perhaps display more information about the stats, requirements etc. If it still fails after that, perhaps do something else with the barrows armour.

Last edited by Pro Noob; 02-23-2024 at 09:19 AM.
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