Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 264
Content To Add #16
Note that you need to click on everything you want added and leave the rest blank!
Please have a read through them before decide what you desire to vote for!
Any of the options need 50% passing for us to know that we can add it into the game.
1 vote per person!
The poll will last for one week.
- Should we add poison effect? This effect will start at x damage and tick down every minute. Each time it reduce the next damage by 0.25 (after 4 minute = x - 1 damage etc until 0 damage)
- Effect will only refresh if the tier poison initial damage is higher or if 50% of the time have passed.
- 50% of the pass calculate as: (5 initiale dmg = refresh at 3 dmg, 6 is 3, 4 is 2 etc.. 1 damage initialize will never refresh!)
- Monsters to add: Scorpion (2), Lizard (1), Venenatis (8), Kalphite Queen(6), One of King Black Dragon's breaths (4), Bandit boss (3),
Locust Rider Melee + Ranged 2 (3), Locust Rider Melee + Ranged 1 (1), Kalphite Soldier (2), Kalphite Guardian(4),
Deadly Red Spider(2), Spider near Venenatis (4)
- If above pass, should we add anti poison?
- level 8 herblore, 1 marrentill (unf) + 1 crushed unicorn horn.
- Will be able to buy from a store somewhere with a 10 in stock 3 doses.
- Cure poison and make you immune to poison for a minute
- If above pass, should we add super anti poison?
- level 42 herblore, 1 avantoe (unf) + 1 crushed goat horn
- Cure poison and make you immune to poison for 3 minutes
- If above pass, should we add antidote+?
- level 69 herblore, 1 yew root + 1 super anti poison
- Cure poison and make you immune to poison for 6 minutes
- Should we add combat potion?
- level 32 herblore, 1 attack(4) + strength(4) + defence(4) + 1 grounded goat horn.
- 50 experience per potion
- Should we add a burn effect?
- x damage and tick every 4 ticks (2.4 sec) 5 times.
- Effect do not refresh or stack.
- Antifire potion will make you immune (This effect count like a dragon fire!)
- If above pass should smoke spells have a 1,2,3,4 (rush,burst,blitz,barrage) burn damage 100% chance to occur?
- If above pass should we make shadow spells have a double burn damage compare to smoke spells with 100% chance to occur?
- If above do not pass should we instead do a % increase based on (magic level + 1) which at 99 would be: 2,4,6,8 or at 49 would be: 1,3,4,6 with a 50% chance to occur.
- Should Scarab mage have a 50% chance to burn target for 2 damage per 4 tick 5 times?
- Should we add a obtion to duel where you can not get the effect from ancient spells? (blood heal, smoke and shadow burn effect)
- If above do not pass, should we just have it disable the burn effect for duel?
- Should king black dragon drop a visage instead of a dragonfire shield?
If all herblore poll questions pass it will look like this:
Spoiler for Herblore Skill:
- Level 1 Guam, level 3 attack potion
- Level 6 Marrentill, level 9 anti poison potion
- Level 12 Tarromin, level 16 strength potion
- Level 20 Ranarr, level 22 defence potion
- Level 32 combat potion
- Level 20 Ranarr, level 38 prayer potion
- Level 30 Avantoe, level 42 super anti poison potion
- Level 40 Irit, level 48 super attack potion
- Level 50 Kwuarm, level 54 super strength potion
- Level 59 Snapdragon, level 60 super restore potion
- Level 65 Cadantine, level 65 super defence potion
- Level 70 Dwarf weed, level 74 ranging potion
- Level 75 Torstol, level 79 antifire potion
- Level 88 super combat potion
- Level 93 overload potion
Last edited by Pro Noob; 04-22-2024 at 06:05 PM.