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Old 08-16-2024   #28
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Originally Posted by Nozemi View Post
Drama is basically a feature of Dodian, it's famous for its drama

But yeah, .com might be a bit too ambitious for how much time has gone into it, how quickly it was put out, and how few people are actually working on it.

I also offered to put in some help to get tutor jobs in pakistan things progressing a bit faster, but Plasma never took me up on the offer for whatever reason. So I guess that's that.

Now, I don't know what happens at all on .com, was nothing for me there so I left it and stopped paying attention to it.
It sounds like there?s a lot of mixed feelings about how has developed, especially given the quick transition from beta to release. Rushing a project can often lead to issues, and it seems like the ambition behind .com may have outpaced the available resources and time, leading to some dissatisfaction within the community. Drama is something that seems to follow any big project, especially one that?s community-driven like Dodian, but it?s understandable that too much of it can become frustrating.

It's disappointing to hear that your offer to help wasn?t taken up, especially when a fresh perspective and extra hands could have made a difference in moving things forward. Sometimes, it?s hard to understand why certain decisions are made, particularly when there?s a clear need for additional support. Walking away from something that isn?t meeting your expectations is a tough call, but sometimes it?s the best move for your own peace of mind.

Hopefully, the team behind can learn from the feedback they?re receiving and make improvements that address these concerns. A project like this has the potential to be great, but it requires careful planning, enough time, and a collaborative effort from everyone involved.
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