Originally Posted by Nightleaf
Terrible hitsplat sprites, text without a shadow, nasty health bars from OSRS, Icon in the middle of a special bar that makes it harder to see the text.  I am disappoint.
Edit: Brightness config not set on the client so its dark and ugly 
Edit: HD skill icons in the levelup dialogue 
Not my work, blame Professor Oak on R-S, or whoever did those. This source sure has it's flaws too, but aside from those visual faults, it's really smooth!
There is a brightness config I can tweak in the client, but I liked it like this to be honest. However, there are 4 levels iirc.
Originally Posted by Kuzmin
That Java icon tho 
hahah yeah, that's what developer icon is. So everyone with the developer rank gets that Java icon. Not my work either, but I don't care to change it.