Thread: Poll cheater
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Old 06-19-2020   #1
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Default Poll cheater

Just wanted to let everyone know that someone is cheating in the poll.

Came on here and replied to the "New Server and Client" thread. I asked for a full reset and pointed out majority of the votes are for a reset.

I cast my vote for a full reset and explained why it could be a good idea. 6 hours ago it was 36 in favor of a reset and 29 voting to keep the server the same. I arrive home and decide to pop on and check the forums. Within 6 hours it's now 36 in favor of a reset and 38 votes to keep the server the same.

You mean to tell me in a 6 hour period 9 people who have not already voted all came on in that 6 hour time frame and all voted to keep the server the same. Come on man...this is a new low, there isn't even 9 people online.

Last edited by Smoke; 06-19-2020 at 09:53 AM.
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