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Cache 09-23-2019 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Zkiller (Post 1698)
Updated to reflect new prices on berserker necklace & skill lamps due to new update from Sept. 22nd.

Great work keeping it updated with every update :)

Zkiller 09-25-2019 02:00 PM

Adjusted rares & accessories to reflect current amount of items in game and future updates.

slears2 09-25-2019 11:50 PM

i like the fact were trying to update price guides
but theres quite bit off with this even for estimates.
like a start of adding the price of every item once for each, resulting in a total gold cost of the price guide of 2,522,030‬ million gold, just over the actual gold in game for 1 of each item in the list , when in actuality, there are several several multiples of each item down to the very last, and firecapes would be the most expensive item in the damn game. not some dumb ass cracker for 250m. thats what im gonna leave. i took my time to come to these results have looked over the price guide for a week now, updates and all, and if it remains unadjusted i will do actual math and make a real one. thanks

Zkiller 09-26-2019 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by slears2 (Post 1713)
but theres quite bit off with this even for estimates.
like a start of adding the price of every item once for each, resulting in a total gold cost of the price guide of 2,522,030‬ million gold, just over the actual gold in game for 1 of each item in the list , when in actuality, there are several several multiples of each item down to the very last, and firecapes would be the most expensive item in the damn game. not some dumb ass cracker for 250m. thats what im gonna leave. i took my time to come to these results have looked over the price guide for a week now, updates and all, and if it remains unadjusted i will do actual math and make a real one. thanks

The gp in game does not reflect the overall buy value.
It's simple economics.
If there's 1.5 trillion dollars circulating is the US should a house be worth $11.7k due to the amount of houses in the US (128M)?
No because it's dependent on the average circulation of these items.
The average is what is shown.
The base/foundation values came from what I asked multiple times in game and 1-2 people disagree with the other 10, then I can't adjust due to a few outliers.

Also, it has been mentioned multiple times regarding f capes that they are coming back fairly soon.
This is why the value is not outlandish on them.
Take a note though that there is A LOT more capes in game than phats or crackers.
We are also accounting for 2.4b total in game while the current gp in circulation (max) is about 300-350m from 1 player while the next is about 200m and the one after is 100m.
Which means in circulations right now there's no more than 1b gp with 1.4b inactive.
This also mean that not if someone has 1b they can buy absolutely everything.

But if people agree with your logic behind putting simple math and not simple economics just tell them to let me know and I'll adjust.
I've adjusted a ton for majority agreement already.

slears2 09-26-2019 05:53 AM

lol ok
if you cant actually be asked to compile a realistic computation and instead have to reply with a housing comparison in us economics based with no math and in fact 2 numbers used with no calculations, its pretty fucking obvious who doesnt understand economics, i not only aced economics but have personally studied the different systems and individual forces and matters that create economic systems, i think you mistake the fact that you got some right for having a reason to pull smoke and say you have a realistic price guide when you say only 1-2 people disagree when in fact thats probably the amount of players you asked in regards to prices. but whatever. do some math. dont. ill post a price guide with lots of math and inputs even though i dont like doing it at least i can.

slears2 09-26-2019 05:57 AM

and as to your comment about firecapes being more common than a cracker, only a literal single handful of active players have firecapes with 1 or 2 having 2. minus the players who are staff and you come to even less than a handful with a total of 5-6 firecapes between them max. and even less are willing to trade them . so yea totally accurate, until theyre rereleased theyre worth far more than listed, ive offered over 300m and no one has even really thought about trading there firecape

slears2 09-26-2019 06:07 AM

if i were to use these prices my item worth would be 925m
thats just an example.

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