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Nozemi 06-24-2021 07:13 PM

Current Status of Development
Hello Dodian Community!

My Personal Situation
I know there is little to nothing happening right now, and Dodian is in as bad shape as ever. Personally I have a lot to deal with in real life at the moment. Long story very short; I'm in the process of working out some issues that made me unable to work, and will then be looking for a new job.

The same reason I was unable to fulfill my real life job, might also be the very reason I've been so unstable with Dodian. I'm quite certain I have ADHD, and I've gotten an appointment to get that checked out. If I can treat that I also hope I can focus on things I want more than I can at the moment.

Dodian's Status of Development
Despite my personal situation I've picked back up the website work for our new website. I know some of you might disagree with me on that being the right place to focus our energy at the moment. However there are two reasons why I do that.

Reason 1; the website is the face of the project, it's the portal that connects everything together, so to speak. Right now it's a nightmare to maintain. Resulting in lack of functionality, such as voting.

Reason 2; I'm a lot more experienced with web development than I'm with RSPS and Java development, which means it's also easier for me to focus on the website end of things while we still figure out what to do with the server.

Though when we have a new website with the most necessary features, we'll have a foundation for managing Dodian in a whole new capacity. This will allow us maintain our player base and community in a more professional manner than right now.

Staffing Situation
I also know some of you feel that staff is very absent, and that's a fact. We're not trying to hide that fact. The reason is simply because I personally don't feel like adding, removing or tweaking our current staff team matters much in the long run.

With the new website I'm planning to create a help desk system. Reason is mainly because I feel like we lack on the delivery of professional support. With a help desk system such as the one I have in mind, any action taken against a player will open a ticket automatically. If staff fails to provide evidence in said ticket, staff's action will be revoked. This also leads to a system where we can easily see history, handle appeals etc. The same system will be used in case staff members are inactive, the matter needs to be dealt with at some other time (for whatever reason).

I have not forgotten about Dodian, and probably never will. I promised to make sure it remained online, which is has since beginning of 2018. Even though that was my only promise, I've made some half-promises to make new things for Dodian. I intend to follow them up, despite the lack of activity from my side. I know it takes an awful lot of time, and I hope you can respect that voluntary work like this takes a lot of time, especially considering my personal situation.

New Website Sneak Peaks
Aside from what you can see at the public beta website (, I've also done some additional work.

While it's not A LOT of work, it's some. It certainly is a good start, because the drop list is already an actual drop list (I just don't have the data on my dev environment at the moment). The highscores will receive an overhaul in terms of today's functionality. Also as you can see, we intend to introduce ironman modes to Dodian (though note that we might tweak them a bit from what we know from OSRS).

Hooch 06-24-2021 07:27 PM

Looking beautiful so far! It's a great start and i'm looking forward to the improvements over time.

Thunder 06-24-2021 09:16 PM

Thanks for keeping us informed. =)

supertje 06-25-2021 12:43 AM

let go bro! keep the work on website up! it looks good, and its the right way!

And i keep u posted on me RSMod adventure :)

Nozemi 06-25-2021 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by supertje (Post 2905)
let go bro! keep the work on website up! it looks good, and its the right way!

And i keep u posted on me RSMod adventure :)

You keep us posted on that! I'll push on with the website, I'll probably just mock up all the necessary features so we have a usable design for the features we need, then start implementing them.

Redsnow 06-25-2021 07:22 PM

Thanks Nozemi, the new website is starting to look great! I suffer from ADHD and from personal experience I know it can be a burden.

Nozemi 06-25-2021 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Redsnow (Post 2909)
Thanks Nozemi, the new website is starting to look great! I suffer from ADHD and from personal experience I know it can be a burden.

Thanks. Yeah, it can be. Though treated correctly it can also be some what of a tool to help you do things. Also worth nothing it’s no guarantee I have ADHD yet, just some very strong pointers.

The issue with focus I suspect is combination of ADHD and depression. Which affects just about anything I do in life.

Nozemi 06-26-2021 04:45 PM

Cleaned thread, lots of unnecessary discussion. Let's sum it up with: some bad history between some of us.

If you don't have anything constructive to contribute, please don't say anything at all. If it's about how I've been in the past, don't attack me with it, tell me how you'd like me to change instead. Then give me a chance to prove myself again. Also don't expect anyone to ever deliver anything within a unreasonable timeframe. Nothing will be released in the coming month or two at least.

Fabrice L 06-26-2021 04:57 PM

I second the above ^

Aqolex 06-28-2021 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Nozemi (Post 2923)
Cleaned thread, lots of unnecessary discussion. Let's sum it up with: some bad history between some of us.

If you don't have anything constructive to contribute, please don't say anything at all. If it's about how I've been in the past, don't attack me with it, tell me how you'd like me to change instead. Then give me a chance to prove myself again. Also don't expect anyone to ever deliver anything within a unreasonable timeframe. Nothing will be released in the coming month or two at least.

Aight sounds good, lets start with unbanning me :rolleyes:

Nozemi 06-28-2021 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Aqolex (Post 2925)
Aight sounds good, lets start with unbanning me :rolleyes:

I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I was planning to wipe the sleets clean for everyone once the new stuff is in place and ready for production. In the meantime I'm afraid you have to make a new account and play on that.

Aiming for release in 2065, on my 70th birthday! Not really though, but I can't give any promises on deadlines (obviously). Just trust (or try to at least) that I'm doing what I can do get something worthy out to enjoy. I still appreciate those of you who are patiently waiting, despite me being a slow-ass.

Knight 06-28-2021 05:59 PM

I really like that you are going back to your roots and really working on the 'face' of Dodian, the website. Let's stay motivated to keep this alive.

I'm sorry I've been such a jerk in the past.. it's just I have a deep passion for this game and Dodian was my childhood.

Hopefully you recover from this obstacle you have and will come out better than ever! :love:

Nozemi 06-28-2021 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Knight (Post 2927)
it's just I have a deep passion for this game and Dodian was my childhood.

As is it to for me. I'm just not able to spend the time I need to get it done as fast as it should've. Less than ideal, but it's still online, as opposed to previous remakes that shut down after a few months, for a new one to appear a few months later.

Also I won't hold our history against you. I just want people to know my intentions are pure, even though I can't live up to everyone's wishes.

Knight 06-29-2021 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by Nozemi (Post 2928)
As is it to for me. I'm just not able to spend the time I need to get it done as fast as it should've. Less than ideal, but it's still online, as opposed to previous remakes that shut down after a few months, for a new one to appear a few months later.

Also I won't hold our history against you. I just want people to know my intentions are pure, even though I can't live up to everyone's wishes.

You have certainly done better than most!

Aaron 07-02-2021 11:05 PM

Thanks for the update

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