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New Server & Client
Thought I'd let you know that over the past few days I picked up my Dodian work again to work on a new server and client. You can follow the progress of the development on Github.
First off we're going to remake Dodian the way Dodian was, with little to no changes. When that's done, we'll launch it and start shaping it's future, or leave it the way it is. I also thought it's time we then see some payable, in terms of cosmetic items, maybe other perks. Haven't started planning this yet, but we're open for suggestions! I will also stress that we have no plans to reset the current progress. However it's an option to do that once we go live with this new server, if the community favors it and it's the right move that is. |
yaaaa reset it once it goes live
I think just eco reset would be fine, but then again who am I rite? :P
Excited for this! Though, I'd be a no vote on the reset myself. Those who want a reset, have their own personal reasons why lol.. mostly stakers who lost it all. If people want to start fresh, make a new account possibly? The quest to be the richest on the server is why many don't just start over.. want the reset as to not have to compete against the people winning. Just my opinion on resets. Let people keep their progress I say. If everyone was running around with 20 whips and phat sets like it's wooden sheilds.. then yeah reset. But economy isn't damaged.. it's just slow.
No reset man i have grinded here so many hours, i think i would not play it again from 0
Delate items maybe but not the skills |
The only way I would accept to have a reset is if those who have spent so much time already grinding get perks. I don't know what perks, but there should be something no one can get, like prestige levels in COD. Say for example there was an extra skills or something or somewhere where you kept store of the prestige. That being said I would not want it reset. I've always been a firm believer in expanding the game further to add new features for those who are higher level. Maybe another boss or two, maybe some new items for them to get, but definitely not a hard reset.
I'm just reffering to instances I've seen in-game chats and discord, and not particularly recent as we don't have many people playing this moment. The people I've seen saying there should be a reset are people who have a reason why, not that the economy is truly broken. And noones gunna say "I got cleaned, reset the eco" either.. I'm not naming names or instances, I'm just being general on my reasoning why I don't want a reset as I don't believe the economy is broken. Things like the new year's event would have been a huge waste of time. Many of the 20+ people we had on then still have their accounts, if they choose to come back just to start at square one again might be a deterant, as many were fresh accounts. Most new dodian players are returning players. Just my opinions on the matter. If the vote passes on reset then so be it. I just don't understand why people can't just make new accounts if they want to start fresh, what does it matter what everyone else has for stats and their bank? I'm usually only in favor of eco resets after something like a massive dupe that caused damage beyond repair
and what revision it will be? OSRS? 317, 474?
And do we rework the forums again? This one becomes realy slow, also we run version 3 right now and 5 is out? |
no reset, and i'll stop staking
Nothing will happen with the forums yet. vBulletin 5 is a pile of shit. If anything we'd go with vBulletin 4. But realistically we're not going to continue vBulletin at all if I am to do something with the forums. I'm well aware that this one is slow. I could look into that. Quite sure that has to do with some shitty code that was produced on top of vBulletin over the years. I've noticed it's usually only slow on the frontpage and highscores. Quote:
how many resets has this server had since it closed since the original? Keep the stats/eco.
Anyway, I don't think there will be a reset. |
There has never been solid code behind it. And the moments we actually had some solid server running people voted it off and wanted the old server back lol
Only people up to date here are people currently playing so the voting is kinda skewed. If some word got out there could be a new server with an eco reset I'm sure we'd actually have a playerbase.
Although I don't see a real reason to reset yet. All it will get us in terms of playerbase is short term grinders that just try to stay #1. Who will leave once they're too far behind in the race. Quote:
At everyone wondering, I'm FMod bc I'm special 😛 |
I'll be back if everything is reset and an active team.
That said, I probably won't be around to work hard on that part of the project. Let's put it this way; we're in phase 1, which is getting a new server live. Phase 2 is continued development, which I probably won't be arsed with personally. Though after phase 1, we're looking at a Dodian that is easy to add on to, and everything is open source. Which means it's up to the community to shape it the way they want. |
If we are switching to a new base, and might not have access to getting items currently in game, then we definitely need an eco wipe at least. At that point, I just think everything should be wiped to put everyone at an even starting point.
Sure, but it can also be a good time to rebase an eco where top gear isn't obtainable anymore. By either resetting the eco or making those items obtainable again. Regardless, either of those things can be done with or without the new base, just an ideal time I guess.
Just make an iron man / HCIM mode to keep people happy without a reset.
if anyone wants a fresh start just make a new account. not fair for anyone to loose current progress because some want a fresh start
Realistically it won't matter, until something fundamentally changes and a decent project gets off the ground this won't go anywhere like it hasn't for several years.
We need an actual team behind it first, then actually reaching out to find players through any means that we have. |
should reset and make a big announcement via email to past members before relaunch :)
hope they reset it
just reset the server good for the eco
Feel like every time the server is reset half the people leave.
For once I say leave it up. Its not like it’s 1:1 to rs for xp |
Reset, and scale back attainable items, in particular best is slot etc
Start basic and let accounts and the economy work their way up Release items/content as it sees fit I also think there needs to a bigger focus what the player base want also I even think some changes to the original Dodian are necessary |
What do you think about reset economy and only combat skills ?
Being one of the most active players lately (on break and staying up late lol) and observing things, i get all sides but i think as of now, resetting is a bad option. Itll only serve to scare away those few of us that ACTUALLY play and the new people weve worked hard to help and keep coming back.
4-5 max for months to seeing 10-15 regularly over this one week alone is progress no matter how small :) If i was an old vet and i came back to an empty bank, fresh stats and all that time i spent gone, i wouldnt have it in me to do all that again and id probs quit. Just food for thought! we all wanna see dodian become something awesome :) |
Also there have been attempts at adding content/changes that community seems to want, however every time this is done, it leads to a lot of drama. Hence why I personally just pushed for a legacy Dodian remake that resembles what Dodian once was, not like a Dodian-modernization. The conclusion is probably to consider what the community want, but consider them thoroughly before just going ahead and adding it. There are quite a few things that community seems to want, but isn't necessarily a good thing to add. Quote:
Potentially we could look into adding a highscores list option for post new server launch, where only characters created after that point will be listed, so those who wish to compete for the #1 spots post new server launch could do, and at the same time reach for the all time highscores. Guess that could be called seasonal highscores. Without a real plan, there really is no point resetting the eco. Dodian never had good content, it always had badly designed content. The design stems from someone developing an RSPS for fun, and eventually it shaped into what Dodian became, people loved it, and it worked because there was a decently sized community around it. This isn't the case anymore, so we need to consider that. If we are really going to push towards changes. A complete revamp (which has been attempted before), would be the way to go, and a new name to go with it. This is why I pursued Eldrios instead, because that doesn't make any expectations that it should be like Dodian or keep any elements. Because when we start changing Dodian's content, it doesn't become Dodian anymore, which means we kinda lose the whole point of having a Dodian remake. It's better to have another server/project, under a new name to go along with the legacy Dodian remake with minimal changes. This is my take on it anyway. If anyone has any opinions, they can feel free to voice them and it'll be considered :) The biggest problem at the moment is time, hands and willingness to write code for Dodian. Would need to be more involvement on those for this to shape into a good remake. Quote:
Queue Snook learning to code it.
I first started Dodian in 2007.
It ended in 2009/10. Leave it there - I appreciate the efforts to revive it but it'll never be what it was. I understand the Admins will disagree as they want it to succeed but deep down...they know as well. |
It's not about reviving what it was, it's about keeping a remake online for those who wants to play it. So take your shit elsewhere. Thanks :) |
Can't believe it's back!!
I think a wipe is the best way - it might seem a bit annoying for new players when all the oldschool players come back, plus I forgot my old login. |
Do the Thanos reset. Halve the xp and halve the amount of items. 10 magic logs halved = 5 magic logs. You have 1 whip, there's a chance it might be gone after the snap.
Glad to see the Dodian community still striving :) - I will be around every now and then to check on things !
Absolutely a full reset is necessary.
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