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Nozemi 03-27-2021 11:56 AM

Staff Changes
People may start asking questions about what is going on at Dodian now. Well, I've came to realize that me and Ivan can't work together, and in my opinion he has made some questionable decisions, even some despite disagreements from other staff members.

I've gone ahead and removed Ivan from his admin position and Ween from his moderator position. Ween has proven to be extremely toxic, especially towards the staff team. If he has a problem with the majority of the staff team, and works it out by talking shit about us in the general public, he's not fit to be part of said staff team.

So what's going to happen now?
I'll be stepping back into being administrating Dodian again. I have a lot of work ahead of me, and will mainly focus on getting a new website and server up and running. Because we really need both.

I know I've been claiming to work on this for a long time, but never delivering. I won't make any promises this time either, but I've made some life choices that will give me more time to work on Dodian. I also think that, if not big, at least a decent game with a decent sized community.

When the new server is out
So my plan is to launch a new server (without resetting anyone's progress/stats), and a new website. This will allow us to maintain Dodian more easily, add more modern features. We'll see what we can add in terms of new content once we reach that point.

We've been lucky to have Supertje help us make some new maps. These will go live along with the new server, and it's going to be a new Dodian experience. It's mostly about relocating existing map locations, so not custom designed maps. More on that later.

I also thought that with the new server going live, we can also start fresh on punishments. Though some cases of punishment needs to be reviewed before we can lift them.

With the new website, we'll have a ticket management system, so it will be a lot easier to maintain good decisions in the staff team, as well as take care of any abusive staff members.

I hope you can bear with me in the meantime of all of this. In the meantime me and the rest of the staff team will do the best we can to help assist you!

Ween 03-27-2021 12:24 PM

If every single one of you didn't act like buffoons there'd be nothing to talk shit about lol. You guys are a mess.

Nozemi 03-27-2021 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Ween (Post 2738)
If every single one of you didn't act like buffoons there'd be nothing to talk shit about lol. You guys are a mess.

Start with yourself, and please refrain from continuing the discussion here.

Jabast 03-27-2021 12:35 PM

As far as I'm concerned, these changes were a necessity for the integrity of both the server and the staff team. Throwing unnecessary shade over people and trashtalking people dedicating alot of time and work into the server is everything we don't need. But let's not get stuck in the past and move on, I'm confident in Nozemi on the wheel of our bus :yes:

matokiller5 03-27-2021 12:56 PM

It is difficult to describe how very pleased I am to hear that. Big thanks to Nozemi for giving life back to server we all love! After long time, I am looking forward to what will come. Thanks a lot!

Ween 03-27-2021 01:21 PM

Until you realized he's made false promises or has gotten the community hyped up on a cycle like 5 times already since he's started this new source. This is nothing new. His momentary return (which was fueled by the rage of being opposed this time) for a turn around into immediate demotivation and toxicity. The cycle will never end and I'm truly sorry as a community we have to have these people in charge.

Nozemi 03-27-2021 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Ween (Post 2742)
Until you realized he's made false promises or has gotten the community hyped up on a cycle like 5 times already since he's started this new source. This is nothing new. His momentary return (which was fueled by the rage of being opposed this time) for a turn around into immediate demotivation and toxicity. The cycle will never end and I'm truly sorry as a community we have to have these people in charge.

You keep proving my decision to remove you as moderator. Also I certainly haven’t seen either you or Ivan contribute or make an effort to get Dodian developed, other than whining over people not working for free. So let’s drop this silly discussion. The situation is terrible. I’ve made tons of bad promises that was never delivered. Yet there is nobody doing anything about it, I’m the closest one to do something. So as bad as it is, I’m the only hope Dodian has. Ivan has been in charge for a while now, but not a lot has happened, even after I stopped making any promises and told straight up I didn’t want to continue working on Dodian.

With this I ask you nicely to stop the negativity you have towards me and the rest of the staff team. It’s not gonna help anyone. In fact it’s things like this that make me toxic and not desire to work on Dodian. Not reason alone of course.

Ivan 03-28-2021 02:24 AM

I have to say, I didn't expect to see this and finally know why I couldn't log in after I got home from work. Last I heard you were stepping away again but I see you had a change of heart. I thought we had a better understanding between us to possibly made this transition a little 'smoother' but it is what it is. No hard feelings, I only want Dodian to prosper and if you are going to become fully committed then good luck to all involved. I can only get things done with the tools I have at hand. I wish everyone good luck with their future endeavors and once and for all,
Thank you for playing Dodian!

Redsnow 03-28-2021 07:34 PM

Sorry to hear about the problems with staff. Looks like a step in the right direction for Dodian. Thanks for putting in the work on the new open source! Can't wait.

Goku 03-29-2021 08:17 PM

I'll be back if there's a reset

Jabast 03-30-2021 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Goku (Post 2746)
I'll be back if there's a reset

We've already told you a million times that won't happen.

matokiller5 03-30-2021 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Goku (Post 2746)
I'll be back if there's a reset

I agree with you friend, the economy of the server is very bad and restarting the server is really necessary. There is definitely a way to prevent 10 whips in game per player. With the new server comes new players and the economy will be good, at least from the beginning. The question is how to keep economy in good shape.

I can think of several solutions to solve it:

1. setting the droprate to such a level that obtaining the item is a challenge, but at the same time it is not impossible.
2. 1% of the money is removed from the game by each duel.
3. only cash could be staked. It should give true value to gp.
4. skip tasks is great as it is, it removes a lot of money and I realy like it.
5. it is possible to add some fees to selected locations.

If you really don't want to restart the server anymore, let's at least restart the economy or do the voting. I hope that if we run everything from again, we can achieve a quality server with good perspective to play. Let me know what you think about it.

matokiller5 03-30-2021 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Nozemi (Post 2749)
Good thinking this, and it's appreciated! We'll for sure have to do something to stabilize the economy of Dodian. However wiping it only temporarily solves it. Fixing the problem's root will permanently fix the economy long term as it is. However right now I'm not concerned with this.

Plan at the moment is to deliver on what I've been babbling about for the past two years, finally. Hopefully I can make it happen this time around. New website is progressing very well. Which will allow us to do way more in terms of logging and managing the server. I know a lot of you have been accusing mods for staff abuse. I want to make sure we get to the bottom of stuff like that.

I'll make sure to make an announcement explaining more in detail what we've planned for the future of Dodian. I just need to make some more progress on the new website and server before. There will likely be a beta of both the new website and the new server when we get closer.

In the meantime, please trust that we think things thoroughly before we decide on anything. There have been too many mistakes to rush any decisions. Despite this, we'll probably make some more mistakes here and there.

Some mistakes are going to be made for sure, however the beta version of the server should reveal at least the most serious ones, so it's a very good idea. I think Dodian is finally in good hands and whatever happens I want to be there.

Goku 03-31-2021 11:29 PM

I'd even return with a partial reset (economy)

Jabast 04-01-2021 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by Goku (Post 2753)
I'd even return with a partial reset (economy)

Tbh I'd be down for an economy reset. But if we want to do that, we need to find ways to make our economy a bit healthier before resetting. Otherwise it will just turn to crap.

supertje 04-01-2021 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by Jabast (Post 2754)
Tbh I'd be down for an economy reset. But if we want to do that, we need to find ways to make our economy a bit healthier before resetting. Otherwise it will just turn to crap.

agree, but i think this eco base we now have is for a larger player group, but we stay small and will all get high levels for now.

Nozemi 04-02-2021 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by matokiller5 (Post 2748)
I agree with you friend, the economy of the server is very bad and restarting the server is really necessary. There is definitely a way to prevent 10 whips in game per player. With the new server comes new players and the economy will be good, at least from the beginning. The question is how to keep economy in good shape.

I can think of several solutions to solve it:

1. setting the droprate to such a level that obtaining the item is a challenge, but at the same time it is not impossible.
2. 1% of the money is removed from the game by each duel.
3. only cash could be staked. It should give true value to gp.
4. skip tasks is great as it is, it removes a lot of money and I realy like it.
5. it is possible to add some fees to selected locations.

If you really don't want to restart the server anymore, let's at least restart the economy or do the voting. I hope that if we run everything from again, we can achieve a quality server with good perspective to play. Let me know what you think about it.

Good thinking this, and it's appreciated! We'll for sure have to do something to stabilize the economy of Dodian. However wiping it only temporarily solves it. Fixing the problem's root will permanently fix the economy long term as it is. However right now I'm not concerned with this.

Plan at the moment is to deliver on what I've been babbling about for the past two years, finally. Hopefully I can make it happen this time around. New website is progressing very well. Which will allow us to do way more in terms of logging and managing the server. I know a lot of you have been accusing mods for staff abuse. I want to make sure we get to the bottom of stuff like that.

I'll make sure to make an announcement explaining more in detail what we've planned for the future of Dodian. I just need to make some more progress on the new website and server before. There will likely be a beta of both the new website and the new server when we get closer.

In the meantime, please trust that we think things thoroughly before we decide on anything. There have been too many mistakes to rush any decisions. Despite this, we'll probably make some more mistakes here and there.

Angelpandas1 06-18-2023 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Jabast (Post 2740)
As far as I'm concerned, these changes were a necessity for the integrity of both the server and the team. Throwing unnecessary shade over people and trashtalking people dedicating alot of time and fantasy miniature war game into the server is everything we don't need. But let's not get stuck in the past and on, I'm confident in Nozemi on the wheel of our bus :yes:

Ah, the winds of change blowing through our server, guiding us towards a path of integrity and respect. Let us leave behind the shadows of unnecessary shade and embrace a brighter future, where dedication and hard work shine like beacons. With Nozemi at the helm, I trust our bus shall journey forward with confidence. Onward we go, united in our pursuit of a harmonious community!

Renegade 06-20-2023 08:58 AM

Oh, let me count the ways I am overwhelmed with joy by this momentous occasion. Nozemi, the pinnacle of dedication and leadership, has graced us all with his presence. What an honor it is to witness the server inching closer to its public release. My heart, it sings with unparalleled ecstasy.

Nozemi, the developer extraordinaire, toils day and night, sacrificing sleep, sanity, and social interactions for the greater good of this server. Oh, the sacrifices! Who needs a balanced life anyway? Certainly not Nozemi. No, he choose to dedicate his self fully, to serve as the guiding light in this labyrinth of code and administration.

And let's not forget his administrative prowess. A true marvel! Nozemi possesses the uncanny ability to rule over this virtual realm with a velvet glove, ensuring that all systems run as smoothly as an Olympic figure skater. He squashes bugs like a seasoned exterminator, fearlessly battling the tiny digital creatures that dare to disrupt his grand vision.

The server, oh the server, it draws nearer to public release with each passing day. The excitement is palpable! It's as if we're on the edge of a precipice, ready to plunge into a sea of unknown adventures and possibilities. How lucky are we, the mere mortals, to witness such an event unfold before our eyes?

So here I stand, on the verge of tears, overwhelmed with uncontainable happiness. Nozemi, the beacon of light in this dark abyss, leads us toward a brighter future. I bow down, humbled by his unwavering dedication and unquestionable leadership. May the server's release be as glorious as Nozemi's contributions. Oh, how fortunate we are!

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